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PLO against democracy: The Palestinian Popular Conference is trying to subvert the PLO

Headline: “Popular resistance to the so-called ‘[Palestinian] Popular Conference’”




“Important Palestinian figures expressed… their discontent over the attempts to convene the so-called ‘Palestinian Popular Conference’ (refers to independent Palestinian group calling to reform the PLO -Ed.). They viewed this as an attempt to bypass the PLO, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people…

PLO Executive Committee member and Fatah Movement Central Committee member Azzam Al-Ahmad emphasized that the goal of the so-called ‘Popular Committee’s’ moves is to create an alternative to the PLO, and that they serve the Hamas Movement, its coup against the legal [PA] government (see note below -Ed.), and the occupation state.

Al-Ahmad said that one who wants to protect the PLO and it being the sole representative of our people does not carry out foolish moves like these.

He explained that those responsible for these attempts are motivated by hidden hatred for the joint national action, and added that they are attempting to place obstacles in the path of the national action…

[Palestinian] Popular Struggle Front (PPSF) Secretary-General [and PLO Executive Committee member] Ahmed Majdalani said that the convention of the so-called ‘Popular Conference’ is part [of the attempts] to create an alternative to the PLO. Majdalani added that convening the conference, regardless of the excuse, is the biggest gift to the occupation state, which is striving to harm the representation of our people and to eliminate the PLO.

He also said that motivation of the PLO institutions will be carried out through direct dialogue with the PLO leadership, and not through an attempt to create parallel bodies…

Palestinian Liberation Front Secretary-General [and PLO Executive Committee member] Wasel Abu Yusuf said that the calls of the so-called ‘Popular Conference’ to establish a national council are part of the attempt to perpetuate the [Hamas-Fatah] rift…

Abu Yusuf emphasized that the PLO is the one who is leading the national struggle, and that the attempts to bypass it will fail.

PLO Executive Committee member Azzam Al-Ahmad who spoke on official PA TV also serves as head of the PLO Department of Arab and Parliamentary Affairs, Fatah Central Committee member, Fatah Commissioner of National Relations, and Fatah Commissioner for Relations with Lebanon.
Ahmed Majdalani – Secretary-General of the terror organization Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF), PLO Executive Committee member, head of the PLO Department of Labor and Planning (since August 2018), and former PA Minister of Social Development (since April 2019-Feb. 26, 2024), Secretary-General of the terror organization Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF), PLO Executive Committee member, and head of the PLO Department of Labor and Planning (since August 2018)
2007 Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip - Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah won the 2005 Palestinian Authority Presidential election. However, Hamas won the 2006 parliamentary elections in both the Gaza Strip and West Bank, with a majority of 74 out of 132 seats, to Fatah's 45 seats. Fatah's rule of the PA Presidency and Hamas' rule of the PA government led to friction and eventually armed conflict between Hamas and Fatah. Hamas defeated Fatah militarily in the Gaza Strip in 2007, and since then Hamas has ruled in Gaza while the PA continues to rule the PA areas in the West Bank under Fatah.

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