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Egyptian Grand Imam attacks Israeli Jerusalem Day flag march as an "attack which will only achieve violence, destruction, and ruin"

Text posted on the Facebook page of PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash




Posted text: “His Highness Grand Imam and Sheikh of Al-Azhar (i.e., a prominent Muslim academic institution in Cairo) Dr. Ahmed el-Tayeb views the Israeli insistence on organizing the so-called ‘flag march’ around the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque (refers to rescheduled Israeli flag march that was cancelled on Jerusalem Day, May 10, 2021, due to Arab violence -Ed.) as a new provocation joining a long chain of criminal plans, in addition to it being an attempt to win cheap political propaganda that is being led by the extremist terrorist right-wing at the expense of the blood of the Palestinians and Muslims and their rights. His Honor said that the Arabs, Muslims, and all those who love peace in the world will stand against these attacks, which will only achieve violence, destruction, and ruin.”



The text on the image is identical, only instead of “the Israeli insistence,” Ahmed el-Tayeb wrote “the Zionist entity’s insistence.”




Mahmoud Al-Habbash also serves as Chairman of the Supreme Council for Shari'ah Justice. In August 2019, PA Chairman Abbas dismissed all his advisors by Presidential decree. It is unclear what their status is today.

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