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Hamas about slaughter: “A dream come true”

Hamas leader’s response to Hamas’ torture, rape, kidnapping and murder of 1,200 Israel civilians:

"A dream come true"

Almahriah TV (Yemen) published a video on its YouTube channel of an Oct. 10, 2023 speech by senior Hamas official Khaled Mashaal in Doha, Qatar, about the Hamas terror war – see note below

Senior Hamas official Khaled Mashaal: “Allah’s blessing to the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades (i.e., Hamas’ military) who are adorned with victory, to their [Hamas’ elite] Nukhba forces, and to all their heroes. Allah’s blessing to the [Islamic Jihad’s] Al-Quds Brigades and to all their heroes… Allah’s blessing to you, my brother [Hamas leader, Muhammad] Deif … Allah’s blessing to you who lit the spark of the Al-Aqsa Flood (i.e., the slaughter in Israeli cities)… Allah’s blessing to you, my brother [Hamas leader] Yahya Al-Sinwar… Allah’s blessing to everyone who prepared, organized, arranged, and made this dream come true on the land… They brought about this glory.”

[Almahriah TV (Yemen), YouTube channel, Oct. 10, 2023]

Khaled Mashaal is a former Hamas Political Bureau Chairman.

Hamas war on Israel October 2023 - At least 1,200 Israelis, including over 1,000 civilians, were murdered and over 4,800 wounded, in addition to approximately 244 who were abducted into the Gaza Strip (including 110 later released or liberated and at least 26 later killed), in a Hamas terror war that began when approximately 3,000 Hamas terrorists broke through Israel's security fence at the Gaza Strip border and launched a surprise attack, taking control of several Israeli towns and attacking a music festival on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, which fell on the Sabbath, Oct. 7, 2023. During the massacre, the terrorists tortured, raped, shot, beheaded, and burned their victims alive, murdering entire families and leaving at least 21 children without parents. Hamas terrorists also fired at least 5,000 rockets at Israeli population centers. In response, Israel launched the Swords of Iron War to counter the Hamas terror threat. Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon joined Hamas' terror war starting from the following day, attacking Israel from the north. Occasional rocket launches and shootings continued from Lebanon throughout the war. A ceasefire and prisoner exchange deal began on Nov. 24, 2023, in which Israel agreed to release 150 terrorist prisoners, pause drone surveillance in the Gaza Strip, and allow movement between the northern and southern Gaza Strip, in return for 50 Israeli female and child hostages held by Hamas. The deal was subsequently extended with additional releases, until Hamas violated the agreement and resumed attacking on Dec. 1, 2023.

Muhammad Deif – Palestinian terrorist and chief commander of the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas' military wing). He organized several terror attacks, including the first Jaffa Street suicide bombing in Jerusalem (27 murdered, 35 wounded, Feb. 25, 1996), the second Jaffa Street suicide bombing in Jerusalem (18 murdered, over 40 wounded, March 3, 1996), the Ashkelon Junction suicide bombing (1 murdered, 35 wounded, March 3, 1996), the Elei Sinai shooting attack (2 murdered, 15 wounded, Oct. 2, 2001 and the Atzmona shooting attack (5 murdered, 15 wounded, March 7, 2002). He also led the cell that kidnapped and murdered 3 Israeli soldiers: Shahar Simani (April 20, 1994), Aryeh Frankental (July 7, 1994), and Nachshon Wachsman (Oct. 9, 1994).

Yahya Al-Sinwar - Palestinian terrorist and senior member of the Hamas terror organization. Al-Sinwar was involved in the kidnapping and murder of Israeli soldier Nachshon Wachsman in October 1994. Israeli soldier Nir Poraz was murdered during Israel's attempt to rescue Wachsman. Al-Sinwar was sentenced to 4 life sentences, but was released in the exchange deal for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011.

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