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Head of PA media honors 5 murderers; Prisoners' cause is "the official [PA] media’s center of focus”

Headline: “Assaf during his meeting with a delegation of released prisoners: The prisoners’ cause is the official [PA] media’s top priority”

“General Supervisor of the Official [PA] Media [with the rank of] minister Ahmad Assaf emphasized that the cause of the prisoners and released prisoners is at the official [PA] media’s center of focus and is a supreme priority, due to it being a national cause that interests the leadership – which is represented by [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas – and all members of the Palestinian people.
Assaf – who received released prisoners Muhammad Al-Sabbagh (i.e., terrorist, murdered 3), Osama Abu Hananeh, Ahmad Qadura (i.e., terrorists, murdered 1 together with accomplices), Mukhlis Sawafta (i.e., terrorist, murdered 1 together with an accomplice), and Hazza Al-Sa’adi (i.e., terrorist, murdered 2 together with an accomplice) in his office in Ramallah yesterday [Oct. 1, 2019]… – noted that our Martyrs and heroic prisoners' sacrifices are medals of honor for our people and our Arab nation, and that they [the sacrifices] guide us to continue on our path towards freedom and independence.
He explained that the official media’s role is to defend the national project, and that this project… will achieve its goals through the Palestinian people’s sacrifices, and foremost among them the Martyrs and prisoners

Muhammad Al-Sabbagh – Palestinian terrorist who tortured and murdered three Palestinians because he suspected them of collaborating with Israel. Al-Sabbagh was serving a life sentence, but was released from prison in October 2013 as one of 104 terrorists whom Israel agreed to release to fulfill the PA's precondition for renewing negotiations.

Osama Abu Hananeh - Palestinian terrorist, who together with accomplices Osama Al-Silawi, Ahmad Abd Al-Aziz and Muhammad Turkeman, murdered Motti Biton and wounded his wife Molly near Jenin in October 1992. He was sentenced to life in prison, but was released in October 2013 as one of 104 terrorists whom Israel agreed to release to fulfill the PA's precondition for renewing negotiations.

Ahmad Abd Al-Aziz Qadura – Palestinian terrorist who, together with Osama Al-Silawi, Muhammad Turkeman and Osama Abu Hananeh, murdered Motti Biton and wounded his wife Molly near Jenin in October 1992. Qadura was serving a life sentence, but was released in October 2013 as one of 104 terrorists whom Israel agreed to release to fulfill the PA's precondition for renewing negotiations.

Mukhlis Sawafta – Palestinian terrorist who, together with an accomplice, stabbed and murdered Israeli Yosef Malkin on Dec. 29, 1990. Sawafta was serving a life sentence but was released in December 2013 as one of the 104 terrorists whom Israel agreed to release to fulfill the PA's precondition for renewing negotiations.

Hazza Al-Sa’adi – Palestinian terrorist who, together with Othman Bani Hassan, murdered Yosef Eliahu and Leah Elmakais while they were hiking on Mount Gilboa on July 21, 1985. Al-Sa’adi was serving a life sentence, but was released from prison in October 2013 as one of 104 terrorists whom Israel agreed to release to fulfill the PA's precondition for renewing negotiations.

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