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PA Security Forces official praises female murderer and terrorists on National Women’s Day

Official PA TV program Palestine This Morning

PA Security Forces Gender Unit Director Colonel Rana Al-Khouli: "I especially send my blessings to the women in the [PA] National Security Forces, the outstanding women who are a continuation of Dalal [Mughrabi]… [Fatima] Barnawi and Raeda Al-Lasilki – all of the pride!" 

Dalal Mughrabi – female Palestinian terrorist who led the attack that (until Oct. 7, 2023) was the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, known as the Coastal Road massacre, in 1978, when she and other Fatah terrorists hijacked a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway, murdering 37 civilians, 12 of them children, and wounding over 70. In text note: (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children)

Fatima Barnawi

Raeda Al-Lasilki ("Radio Raeda") – Fatah member living in Lebanon who famously said over the military communications network in 1982: “We are going to Jerusalem despite [then Israeli Prime Minister Menachem] Begin, [then Israeli Minister of Defense Ariel] Sharon, and [then US President Ronald] Reagan. We are going from Beirut to Palestine.” Former PLO and PA Chairman Yasser Arafat later used the line while being expelled from Lebanon.


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