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PA home videos: Children educated to see murderers as “heroes”

Caption: “Home video”

Girls: "On behalf of Allah, we send all the words of pride to the tall mountains, to the lions crouching in their dens, to the heroes of this generous people, to the heroic prisoners. You are the symbol of endurance…"

Boy: “Our prisoner Anas Allan (i.e., terrorist, involved in murder of 4)... I think of him every time I see his mother and his father, my neighbors. I see the pain of separation in the eyes of Um Mahmoud… He was sentenced to 4 life sentences and 25 years... I send love and greetings to every male and female prisoner and to all the prisoners’ families."

Anas Allan – Palestinian terrorist who transported suicide bomber Ahmed Masharqa to carry out an attack in which 4 Israelis – Rafi and Helena Halevi, Reut Feldman, and Shaked Lasker – were murdered near the entrance to Kedumim, west of Nablus, on March 30, 2006. Allan is serving 4 life sentences and an additional 25 years.

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