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PA religious leader: Western Wall ‎belongs to Al-Aqsa Mosque and “non-‎Muslims have no right to it”‎

Official PA TV broadcast the Friday ‎sermon from Arafat’s mausoleum in ‎Ramallah. The sermon was delivered by ‎Mahmoud Al-Habbash, the Supreme ‎Shari’ah Judge and Mahmoud Abbas’ ‎Advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs:
     ‎‎“As far as we are concerned, the entire ‎Al-Aqsa Mosque, whose area is 144,100 ‎square meters, 144 dunams and 100 ‎‎[square] meters, includes the covered Al-‎Aqsa Mosque, that is, the Southern ‎Mosque, as well as the ancient ‎underground Al-Aqsa Mosque beneath ‎the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Marwani Prayer ‎Hall [Solomon’s Stables], the Dome of the ‎Rock, the courtyards and porticoes, ‎schools and walls – including the Al-‎Buraq Wall (i.e., the Western Wall), ‎which is called, and will always be ‎called, the Al-Buraq Wall, whether they ‎like it or not [– all this is the Al-Aqsa ‎Mosque]. Even at the time of the British ‎Mandate, the commission sent by the ‎Mandatory authorities to discuss the issue ‎of the Al-Buraq Wall confirmed that it was ‎waqf (i.e., an inalienable religious ‎endowment in Islamic law) belonging to ‎Muslims, and that non-Muslims had no ‎right to it. Sooner or later, Jerusalem in its ‎entirety will return [to us]. It is and will ‎‎[always] remain the capital of Palestine.” ‎

Note: Al-Buraq Wall (i.e., the Western Wall ‎of the Temple Mount) – Islam's Prophet ‎Muhammad is said to have rode during his ‎Night Journey from Mecca to "al aqsa ‎mosque", i.e., "the farthest mosque" ‎‎(Quran, Sura 17), and there tied his ‎miraculous flying steed named Al-Buraq to ‎a "stone" or a "rock." (Jami` at-Tirmidhi, ‎Book 47, Hadith 3424). In the 1920's, Arab ‎Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini decided to ‎identify the Western Wall of the Temple in ‎Jerusalem as that "rock" or "stone," and for ‎Muslims he renamed the Western Wall - ‎the "Al-Buraq Wall." The PA now claims it ‎is a Muslim holy site and says Jews, ‎therefore, are prohibited from praying at the ‎wall.‎

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