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Foreign desk: Hamas’ Missile Onslaught Is About Power

NYPost Editorial Board  |

Hamas launched missiles this week at a town north of Tel Aviv, notes Itamar Marcus in The Jerusalem Post, but the Gaza-based terror group’s “real target was Fatah, the ruling Palestinian Authority political party of Mahmoud Abbas.” Ever since Hamas expelled Abbas’ Fatah faction from Gaza in 2007, the two groups have been “sparring in an ongoing internal war for the hearts and minds of Palestinians.” Lately, tensions have been boiling over, while “demonstrations against Hamas have been continuing throughout the Gaza Strip.” With Hamas’ popularity on the decline, the group likely launched the missile in the hope that it “bring a strong military ­response from Israel” and galvanize Palestinian opinion in its favor. Bottom line: “Hamas and Fatah are fighting each other with the only weapon they have that assures popularity among the broad spectrum of Palestinians: attempting to kill Israelis.”



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