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PA TV filler highlights terror leader "Abu Iyad"

Official PA TV filler on terrorist and Fatah founder Salah Khalaf - Abu Iyad, directly responsible for more than 13 murders

Slide 1: The slide shows terrorist and Fatah founder Salah Khalaf - Abu Iyad, who was directly responsible for more than 13 murders.

Text on slide: "Salah Khalaf Abu Iyad"

Slide 2: The slide shows Salah Khalaf and former PLO and PA Chairman Yasser Arafat.

Text on slide: "Born on Aug. 31, 1933"

Slide 3: The slide shows Salah Khalaf in a meeting. On the wall in the background is a picture of Yasser Arafat.

Text on slide: "Joined the national activity when he was a minor"

Slide 4: The slide shows Salah Khalaf and Yasser Arafat.

Text on slide: "Abu Iyad was considered the most prominent [Fatah] Central Committee member"

Slide 5

Text on slide: "He was appointed to the position of Fatah commissioner of the security forces"

Slide 6

Text on slide: "Afterwards, he took on the command of the special forces affiliated with the [PLO]"

Slide 7

Text on slide: "There were many assassination operations against him"

Slide 8

Text on slide: "He was called 'Palestine's Trotsky,' 'broad-minded,' [and] 'a man of penetrating vision'"

Slide 9

Text on slide: "He was also considered one of the most prominent voices on the Palestinian, Arab, and global levels"

Slide 10: The slide shows spilled blood.

Text on 10th slide: "The Israeli Mossad (Secret Intelligence Service) assassinated him in Tunisia on Jan. 14, 1991"

Slide 11: The slide shows the PA TV Live logo, which consists of the word "Palestine Live" with the Dome of the Rock over the word "Palestine." In the background a coffin is being carried at a funeral.

Abu Iyad (Salah Khalaf) - PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat’s deputy, one of the founders of Fatah, and head of the terror organization Black September, a secret branch of Fatah. Attacks he planned include the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics (Sept. 5, 1972) and the murder of two American diplomats in Sudan (March 1, 1973). It is commonly assumed that his assassin, a former Fatah bodyguard, was sent by the Abu Nidal Organization, a rival Palestinian faction.

Yasser Arafat – Founder of Fatah and former chairman of the PLO and PA. During the 1960s, 70s and 80s Arafat was behind numerous terror attacks against Israelis. Although he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 together with then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and then Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres “for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East" after signing the Oslo Accords peace agreement, Arafat launched a 5-year terror campaign - the second Intifada (2000-2005) – in which more than 1,000 Israelis were murdered. Arafat died of an illness in 2004.

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