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“When you see a 15-year-old with a rock or a knife… know that this cause continues,” says Fatah official

Fatah Revolutionary Council member Abd Al-Ilah Atteereh: “I give [the Israelis] a clear and explicit message from Fatah, [and groups] other than Fatah: … We’ll continue the struggle with all means… We have no choice but to strengthen the resistance with what Allah provides us. When you see a 15-year-old Palestinian child carrying a rock or another tool or a knife, know that this cause continues in the blood of our people, and that it is an inheritance.”

The terms “all means,” “all means of resistance,” “all forms,” are ‎used by PA leaders to include using all types of violence, including deadly terror ‎against Israeli civilians such as stabbings and shootings, as well as throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails.

Abd Al-Ilah Atteereh also serves as PLO Central Council member. He made this statement during a live broadcast from the funeral of three Fatah terrorists who were killed by Israel as they were planning an imminent shooting attack.

Muhammad, Mahmoud, Ghaith, and Omar Jaradat – Palestinian terrorists who murdered 25-year-old Israeli Yehuda Dimentman in a shooting attack near Homesh, west of Nablus, on Dec. 16, 2021. Two other Israelis were wounded in the attack. Israel arrested the four terrorists and seized two M-16 semi-automatic assault rifles from them on Dec. 19, 2021. The four are still on trial as of Feb. 28, 2022.

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