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Dalal Mughrabi honored at Fatah rally in honor of female prisoners

PA TV News reports on a celebration held by Fatah in honor of the released female prisoners as part of the Women's Day events. A poster of terrorist Dalal Mughrabi was displayed at the event.
PA TV reporter:‎ "In March, [we celebrate] Women’s Day, the anniversary of fighter Dalal ‎Mughrabi’s Martyrdom-death, Mother’s Day, the Al-Karameh Day and today - the day of loyalty ‎and love for the released female prisoners.‎"
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Note: Dalal Mughrabi led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history in 1978, when she and other ‎terrorists hijacked a bus and killed 37 civilians, 12 of them children.‎
Al-Karameh - In 1968, Israeli army forces attacked the Al-Karameh village in Jordan, where ‎Fatah terrorists were launching attacks on Israel. Arafat used this event for propaganda ‎purposes, declaring the battle a great victory which erased the disgrace of the 1967 Six Day ‎War defeat.‎

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