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Karake appointed head of Commission of Prisoners' Affairs, a PLO body, in attempt to shield PA from donor pressure on prisoner issue

"Following the publication of the presidential decree transforming the [PA] Ministry of Prisoners' [Affairs] into an authority, an official ceremony was held yesterday [Sept. 2, 2014] to transfer [the ministry portfolio] from former Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Shawqi Issa to the [new] head of the [Supreme National] Authority [of Prisoners' Affairs], Minister Issa Karake, who was appointed by the President [Mahmoud Abbas]. [Former Minister Shawqi] Issa emphasized the need for extensive cooperation under all circumstances and [at all] times, because the prisoners' issue is on the leadership's agenda. He also emphasized that all efforts must be concentrated in this direction.
The head of the authority, Issa Karake, thanked Minister Issa for the efforts he has invested and continues to invest, and expressed his hope that things would progress smoothly, given that the authority must become established and organized - [a process] which will take some time."
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Note: In an interview on Ajyal radio (independent Palestinian radio station), Karake confirmed that the PA Ministry of Prisoners Affairs was transformed into the Supreme National Authority of Prisoners' Affairs, subordinate to the PLO, in an attempt to deflect international pressure on the PA on the issue of Palestinian terrorist prisoners who receive PA salaries. To view the interview, click here.

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