International Olympic Committee must cancel funding of anti-Semitic Palestinian Olympic CommitteeMust cancel funding of anti-Semitic Palestinian Olympic CommitteeSep 22, 2022
“Mussolini was a kindergarten compared to Netanyahu,” says top PA/Fatah official RajoubJibril Rajoub repeatedly employs the Nazi comparison to convey the libelous PA narrative about Israeli conductOct 23, 2020
PA: “We are prepared to sacrifice… We will sacrifice our children”PA threatens “bloodshed and chaos,” “escalation of the resistance,” and “national rebellion” - PA’s response to Arab states making peace with Israel Oct 15, 2020
Senior PA officials praise violence against IsraelSultan Abu Al-Einein praises murderer who stabbed an Israeli to death last week. Jibril Rajoub swears "if we had a nuke, we'd have used it." (May 8, 2013)May 8, 2013