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Abbas advisor “kiss[es] the hands” of children carrying out “resistance” (i.e., violence), but calls for more intense “resistance” that will “hurt” Israel and “make it pay dearly”

Interview with Fatah Central Committee member and PA President Mahmoud Abbas' advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein

Donia Al-Watan interviewer: “Last question, in regard to the relations with Israel, regarding the popular uprising (reference to wave of Palestinian terror attacks which lasted October 2015 + March 2016 -Ed.) where is it leading? Where are we heading?”

Fatah Central Committee member and Abbas’ advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein:
“Where is the popular uprising? Is this popular uprising? Is this resistance? IS this popular resistance?”

Donia Al-Watan interviewer: “In what direction are we heading?”

Fatah Central Committee member and Abbas’ advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein: “These are acts of resistance [by] individuals. I kiss the hands of these children’s (i.e., terrorists who carried out attacks against Israel) families. However, can we say that this is resistance and that we have resistance? This is not resistance, not the resistance that we want. We want resistance that would hurt the occupation and demand of it a [heavy] price. When the resistance hurts the occupation and makes it pay [dearly], and the occupation pays a heavy price for its presence on Palestinian land, this will be the resistance we seek. As long as the resistance does not hurt and cost the occupation, it is not resistance. When the resistance hurts the Israeli enemy, it will be able to call itself resistance and take pride in it.”

The terms "all means," "peaceful uprising,” and “popular uprising" are ‎often used by PA leaders to refer to events that include violence and deadly terror ‎against Israeli civilians such as rock-throwing, stabbings and even shootings. See ‎Mahmoud Abbas' reference to murderous terror as "peaceful" during the 2015-2016 ‎terror wave (“The Knife Intifada”), which included numerous stabbing ‎attacks:

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