PA Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education organize activity honoring murderer of 3
Palestinian Authority Ministry of Culture
and Ministry of Education
organize activity at PA school
honoring murder of three
honoring murder of three

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Who better to "encourage reading" than a murderer of 3?
At least that's what officials in the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education seem to think. Adopting the idea of "human chains of readers" named after terrorist Baha Alyan who together with an accomplice murdered 3 Israeli civilians on a bus in Jerusalem last year, the two ministries organized such a chain at a PA school for boys in Qalqiliya.The school holding the event, the Shari'ah School for Boys in Qalqiliya, posted invitations to the event on Facebook. The invitation bore the Palestinian Authority's logo and showed Baha Alyan, the terrorist murderer's picture and the name of the event, commemorating the killer:
"Baha is the idea and the idea doesn't die"
[Facebook page of the Shari'ah School for Boys in Qalqiliya, April 5, 2016]
The event was held for 10th grade students "under the auspices" of PA official, District Governor of Qalqilya, Rafe' Rawajbeh. It was organized by the PA Ministry of Culture, the Qalqilya municipality and the municipal library, and held in cooperation with the Qalqilya District Directorate of Education which is under the PA Ministry of Education.
Earlier this week, Palestinian Media Watch documented that UN institutions and foreign governments have supported a similar event honoring murderer Alyan. Likewise, four Palestinian universities have glorified him with such "human chains of readers." Recently the PA Ministry of Education was also the patron of a basketball game named after terrorist Dalal Mughrabi who led the most lethal attack in Israel's history in which 37 civilians were murdered.
Click to see PMW's report on PA Education - A Recipe for Hate and Terror.
The following are longer excerpts of the reports on the chain of readers organized by the PA ministries:
Headline: "Shari'ah School for Boys in Qalqiliya participates in a 'Human chain to encourage reading' activity"
"The Shari'ah School for Boys in Qalqiliya participated in an activity to encourage reading, with the participation of 10th grade students...
Director of the Shari'ah School for Boys in Qalqiliya Hani Khader thanked everyone who organized [the event] and contributed to the success of the human chain project to encourage reading [titled] 'Baha is the idea and the idea doesn't die'...
The activity was [held] under the auspices of Qalqilya District Governor Rafe' Rawajbeh. It was organized by the [PA] Ministry of Culture, the Qalqilya municipality and its library, and the charity organization Nour Allah, in cooperation with the [Qalqilya District] Directorate of Education, Al-Quds Open University branch in Qalqiliya and College of Islamic Preaching."
[Ma'an (independent Palestinian news agency), April 6, 2016]
Jerusalem line 78 bus terror attack - On Oct. 13, 2015, two Palestinian terrorists, Baha Alyan (22) and Bilal Ghanem (23) boarded a bus in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood with a gun and a knife and attacked passengers, killing Israelis Haviv Haim (78) and Alon Govberg (51), and Richard Lakin (76), and wounding 3 Israelis. Alyan was shot and killed by an Israeli security guard at the scene and Ghanem, a Hamas terrorist who served time in Israeli prison in 2013-2014, was wounded.
Image and text posted on the Facebook page of the Shari'ah School for Boys in QalqiliyaText on invitation:
"Invitation to participate in the human chain of readers
Under the auspices of his honor, Governor of Qalqilya District Rafe' Rawajbeh, the charity organization Nour Allah and the Qalqiliya Municipality Library are honored to invite you to take part in the human chain of readers
Baha is the idea, and the idea doesn't die
From 11 to 1 PM on Tuesday, April 5, 2016
At the Qalqilya National Zoo
Your participation will be a support for
the cultural development"
[Facebook page of the Shari'ah School for Boys in Qalqiliya, April 5, 2016]
A photo of Palestinian terrorist Baha Alyan appears on the invitation.