PMW submits report on PA hate education to Norwegian Foreign Ministry
PMW submits report on PA hate education to Norwegian Foreign Ministry
The following article was translated into English by PMW:
Headline: “Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs receives report on education to hatred against Jews”
Headline: “Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs receives report on education to hatred against Jews”
Kenneth Fjell Rasmussen, Dagen’s correspondent in Israel
Kenneth Fjell Rasmussen, Dagen’s correspondent in Israel
‘It is totally misleading to call the ongoing wave of violence a "leaderless intifada." Growing up, Palestinian children are constantly taught to hate Jews,’ says Itamar Marcus.
Itamar Marcus is founder of Palestinian Media Watch, [a research institute] that monitors Palestinian newspapers, websites and television channels.
He is coming to Norway on Friday to attend the With Israel For Peace (MIFF)’s European Israel conference, but also to present the report "PA Education: A Recipe for Hatred and Terror" to Norwegian authorities.
The report has been translated into Norwegian by MIFF, and on Friday, Marcus is visiting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with executives from the Norwegian organization [MIFF].
‘In the past, we had been looking primarily at the content of Palestinian textbooks, but this year's report is much broader. It is an analysis of the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) education and examines the environment in which children in these areas are brought up,’ says Marcus to Dagen before leaving for Norway.
Terrorists are glorified
One of the subjects in the report is that schools and sporting events are named after terrorists and how this affects children and youth.
‘Among others, there are three girls’ schools named after the female terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, who led the most lethal terror attack in Israel's history,’ says Marcus.
The report documents how girls attending these schools now admire Mughrabi as a role model.
‘Dozens of other terrorists have had schools named after them. Often pictures of the terrorists are prominently displayed at the schools, or they are part of the school's logo. Often the images are also printed on the school uniforms that students must use. Students must memorize the life story and the actions of the terrorists, and this becomes part of their identity,’ he said.
[Marcus] also shows how very young terrorists are promoted [as role models]to children of the same age. Above the entrance to a high school in Bethlehem hangs the picture of the youngest female suicide bomber, Ayyat Al-Akhras (17), who blew herself up at a supermarket in Jerusalem in 2002.
’13-year-old Ahmad Manasrah who last fall stabbed a 13-year-old Jewish boy in Jerusalem, has already had a football tournament for boys named after him - "The Ahmad Manasrah Football Tournament."’
PAs message
The 67-page report 1is packed with examples of hate indoctrination, but Marcus highlights the following key messages conveyed by the Palestinian Authority:
• Israel has no right to exist
• Israel will disappear and will be replaced by Palestine
• Violence is allowed to fight Israel
• Muslims must fight an endless Islamic war against Israel
• Those who murder Israelis are heroes and role models
• Martyrdom for Allah is the highest form of honor
‘Education is a key to peace. But the Palestinian Ministry of Education and other PA-sponsored players unfortunately do not promote peace, reconciliation, or normalization with Israelis and Jews,’ he says.
He thinks the findings in the report completely reveal as false the allegations about a leaderless uprising and "lone wolves."
Western governments
In recent months, Itamar Marcus has visited both EU politicians and representatives of the governments of the UK, Sweden, and the United States. He has been well received in all these places.
‘The report is clear and well-documented, and most react with disgust when they read it. I think pressure from Western countries may be one reason that terror has diminished recently (i.e., as opposed to the preceding terror wave with daily attacks –Ed.)
‘Also Norway can, as head of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (i.e., international group of donors to the PA) to the Palestinian areas, influence the situation,’ he said."