Hamas wins student elections at Birzeit University
Headline: “Elections at Birzeit [University]: Al-Wafaa Islamic Bloc – 25, Martyr Yasser Arafat Bloc – 21, and the Bloc – 5 seats”
“The Birzeit University announced its student council’s election results yesterday evening, Wednesday [April 27, 2016], in which the Al-Waafa Islamic Bloc (i.e., Hamas student party) was victorious. The Al-Waafa [Islamic] Bloc won 25 seats, the Martyr Yasser Arafat Bloc (i.e., Fatah student party) won 21 seats, and the Progressive Student Bloc won five seats, while the Birzeit Student Alliance, the Al-Mubadara Student Association, and the Palestine For All Bloc did not win any seats. The university noted that the voting turnout was 76.61 percent, the number of invalid ballots was 173, and the number of white ballots was 51.”
“The Birzeit University announced its student council’s election results yesterday evening, Wednesday [April 27, 2016], in which the Al-Waafa Islamic Bloc (i.e., Hamas student party) was victorious. The Al-Waafa [Islamic] Bloc won 25 seats, the Martyr Yasser Arafat Bloc (i.e., Fatah student party) won 21 seats, and the Progressive Student Bloc won five seats, while the Birzeit Student Alliance, the Al-Mubadara Student Association, and the Palestine For All Bloc did not win any seats. The university noted that the voting turnout was 76.61 percent, the number of invalid ballots was 173, and the number of white ballots was 51.”