Danish parliament to question foreign minister about PMW report
Danish parliament to question foreign minister
about PMW report
about PMW report
In March 2016, PMW sent an open letter calling for the Danish foreign minister to reassess Denmark's relationship to Fatah due to Fatah's ongoing terror support. PMW also sent the foreign minister a full report documenting that numerous senior Fatah leaders, Abbas' advisors, Mahmoud Abbas himself, the Fatah Central Committee headed by Mahmoud Abbas, and official Fatah media are all actively supporting and glorifying the current wave of terror against Israelis (that began in October 2015).
In response to PMW's report, an open council was called in Danish parliament to question the Foreign Minister about the report and Danish foreign aid to the PA:
"Agenda for open council with the Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen in Danish Parliament, May 17, 2016
The source for the agenda is this: [Danish Parliament website, May 11, 2016]
1. Open council with the foreign minister about the rhetoric of Palestinian leaders, cf. URU alm. del - samrådsspørgsmål AH - AN og URU alm. del - bilag 226 og 227
Council question to the foreign minister: Do representatives of the PA incite to violence against civilians, as exemplified by the statements by Abbas Zaki?
Council question to the foreign minister: What is the Danish position regarding the fact that terror attacks are glorified and that there is a financial reward to the perpetrators of the terror?
Council question to the foreign minister: What sources did the minister base his statement on when answering questions S507 and S899, saying that Abbas Zaki does not represent Fatah, in light of Washington Institute’s “Fatah Central Committee Profiles”?
Council question to the foreign minister: Would the minister provide examples of central Palestinian politicians who within the last 6 months – in Arabic – have condemned specific attacks against Israeli civilians?
Council question to the foreign minister: Would the minister comment on the examples of Fatah leaders’ incitement and glorification of terror attacks against Israel, as documented in the report from Palestinian Media Watch entitled Fatah Promotes Terror?
Council question to the foreign minister: In light of the extensive evidence from Palestinian Media Watch’s (PMW) [report, documenting] numerous examples of prominent Fatah leaders’ incitement to and glorification of terror attacks against Jews and Israeli civilians, is it still the minister’s impression that Fatah, the PLO, and the Palestinian Authority can be described as “moderate forces?”
Council question to the foreign minister: Would the minister elaborate on his assurance to [the Danish weekly] Weekendavisen, that Danish aid is not going to the payment of salaries to convicted and imprisoned terrorists and their families?
Copy of answer to S899 [asking the minister to] comment on the examples of Fatah leaders’ incitement to and glorification of terror attacks against Israel in the report received from PMW, which is addressed to the foreign minister (PMW’s open letter to the Danish Foreign Minister -Ed.) – and which was prompted by the foreign minister’s answer to [MP Søren Espersen’s] question no. S507"