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Palestinian girl’s hate speech at Red Crescent event: The Jews kill worshippers

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

Palestinian girl’s hate speech at Red Crescent event:
 “The Jews... kill worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque”

In its report on an event for children arranged by the Palestine Red Crescent, Palestinian Authority TV News chose to include a young Palestinian girl’s hate speech demonizing Jews:

Palestinian girl: "Like all the children of Palestine, I do not like the occupation.  I am scared of the Jews when they come to our village. They kill worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. They kill our people and imprison small children. It is my right to live in peace, like all children in the world."
[Official PA TV, April 18, 2016]
The girl’s libelous statement that Jews “kill” Muslim worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque plaza is an extension of the PA libel that Israel seeks to harm and destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque - a libel the PA has been repeating for years. These two libels, presenting Israelis/Jews as murderers who threaten Al-Aqsa have been used by PA and Fatah leaders as the prime motivating forces behind the recent wave of terror attacks against Israelis, which lasted more than 6 months and in which 34 Israelis were murdered and 452 wounded.
Note that the girl spoke of “Jews,” and not “Israelis.” Her statement echoes many other demonizing statements about Jews as "enemies" and posing a danger to Muslims and the world, as exposed by Palestinian Media Watch. She echoed the PA teaching that the conflict is religious and not territorial. Similar teachings are coming from the top of the PA leadership. Abbas’ advisor, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, has described Jews historically as representing “evil” and “Satan’s project” versus Muslims who represent “good” and “Allah’s project.”

For years, the PA has been telling Palestinians that the mosque is “in danger,” that Jews “invade” it, and that Israel plans to destroy it in order to build the “alleged Temple.” Any Jewish presence on the Temple Mount/the Al-Aqsa Mosque plaza is referred to as an “invasion,” “an attack,” or “an assault,” and seen as “defilement” and “impurity.
At the beginning of the terror wave, PA Chairman Abbas incited Palestinians by saying Jews had no right to “defile” the mosque with their "filthy feet." Abbas has since repeated this description. In March, for example, Abbas justified the terror wave - what he calls the “peaceful uprising” - as a legitimate response because Israel had “continued to defile the Islamic and Christian holy sites.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 3, 2016] The wave of violence and murders had at the time of Abbas’ statement included 79 shooting attacks, 203 knifings, and 39 car ramming attacks, in which 33 Israelis were murdered and 387 wounded.
The following are longer excerpts of Abbas’ statement and the PA TV News broadcast:
“The Fatah Revolutionary Council opened its 16th session yesterday evening [March 2, 2016] in the presence of [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas and the members of the Fatah Central Committee...
Abbas noted that the peaceful popular uprising is in response to the actions of the occupation, its disregard of all signed agreements and lack of adherence to their implementation, the fact that it has continued to defile the Islamic and Christian holy sites, the policy of arrests, the demolitions (i.e., of houses of terrorists), the killing, the expulsion, the closure, and the siege.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 3, 2016]
What Abbas referred to as “peaceful popular uprising” is in fact a wave of Palestinian terror attacks which at the time of Abbas’ speech had included: 79 shooting attacks, 203 knifings, and 39 car ramming attacks, in which 33 Israelis were murdered and 387 wounded.
Israel carries out demolitions of terrorists' houses. According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Demolition orders are issued only against the residences of terrorists who commit the most serious offenses" and it is "an act of deterrence meant to discourage Palestinians from carrying out future terror attacks so as to minimize their number.” (MFA website)
Official PA TV reporter: "In honor of Palestinian Prisoner’s Day and Children’s Day, the [Palestine] Red Crescent society organized a carnival for the kindergarten children in the Wadi Sha’ir area east of Tulkarem, which included a mass rally in which more than 1,200 children participated..."
Palestinian girl: "Like all the children of Palestine, I do not like the occupation.  I am scared of the Jews when they come to our village. They kill worshippers at the Al-Aqsa [Mosque]. They kill our people and imprison small children. It is my right to live in peace, like all children in the world."
[Official PA TV, April 18, 2016]

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