Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs: “Israel and a number of Western countries [are] trying to revoke the prisoners’ financial rights on the pretext that they engaged in ‘terror’... in order to negate their being fighters”
PMW note: Palestinian Media Watch has presented in US Congress and in many European parliaments its findings on PA rewarding imprisoned terrorists with salaries.
Headline: “In its new conference – the Prisoners’ Club demands to unite the national discourse regarding the prisoners’ cause”
“During its fifth conference, titled The Late Released Prisoner and Leader Rabiha Dhiab (i.e., former PA Minister of Women’s Affairs who recently died) Session, the Prisoners’ Club emphasized that the national discourse on everything regarding the prisoners’ cause must be united… Director of [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake discussed a number of matters regarding the prisoners, including… the offense being led by Israel and a number of Western countries, who are trying to revoke the prisoners’ financial rights on the pretext that they engaged in ‘terror,’ as they call it, in order to negate their being fighters, in addition to the importance of tendering prisoner leader Marwan Barghouti’s candidacy for the Nobel Peace Prize and the significance inherent in doing so, which can legitimize the Palestinian struggle.”
Marwan Barghouti - serving 5 life sentences for orchestrating three shooting attacks that killed 5 people: one in Jerusalem (June 12, 2001, 1 killed), another in Givat Zeev near Jerusalem (Jan. 15, 2002, 1 killed), and one in Tel Aviv (March 5, 2002, 3 killed). When arrested in 2002, he headed the Tanzim (Fatah terror faction). After he was convicted and imprisoned, he was re-elected member of the Palestinian Authority parliament.