Fatah libel: Israeli Defense Minister threatened to murder a Fatah Central Committee member
Headline: “Fatah: Liberman’s threat to murder leader Muhammad Al-Madani is state terror”
“The Fatah Movement warned of an attack on the life of its [Fatah] Central Committee member, leader Muhammad Al-Madani. It warned of disastrous results if the Minister of War of the occupation government (i.e., Israeli Defense Minister) Avigdor Liberman implements [his threat] to murder him (i.e., Al-Madani)… In a statement published by the [Fatah] Information and Culture Commission, the movement said that the threats of the Minister of War of the occupation state ‘are the true face of the state terror that the occupation government is enacting, and a desperate attempt to prevent Israeli society from learning the Palestinian truth from its firsthand sources.’”
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman did not threaten to murder Fatah Central Committee member Muhammad Al-Madani. In mid-June 2016 Liberman did cancel Al-Madani’s entry permit to Israel after the Israeli security establishment received information that Al-Madani, who heads the PA’s Committee for Contact with Israeli Society, was working to establish a political force inside Israel that would cooperate with the PA to harm Israel from within. The source of Fatah’s false claims of threats having been made by Liberman to murder Al-Madani remains unclear.
“The Fatah Movement warned of an attack on the life of its [Fatah] Central Committee member, leader Muhammad Al-Madani. It warned of disastrous results if the Minister of War of the occupation government (i.e., Israeli Defense Minister) Avigdor Liberman implements [his threat] to murder him (i.e., Al-Madani)… In a statement published by the [Fatah] Information and Culture Commission, the movement said that the threats of the Minister of War of the occupation state ‘are the true face of the state terror that the occupation government is enacting, and a desperate attempt to prevent Israeli society from learning the Palestinian truth from its firsthand sources.’”
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman did not threaten to murder Fatah Central Committee member Muhammad Al-Madani. In mid-June 2016 Liberman did cancel Al-Madani’s entry permit to Israel after the Israeli security establishment received information that Al-Madani, who heads the PA’s Committee for Contact with Israeli Society, was working to establish a political force inside Israel that would cooperate with the PA to harm Israel from within. The source of Fatah’s false claims of threats having been made by Liberman to murder Al-Madani remains unclear.