Fatah awards plaque to Abbas that displays Fatah logo, which includes rifles and the PA map of Palestine erasing Israel

Headline: “The president receives the plaque of the Fatah Movement branch in Syria”
“[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas received the plaque of the conference of Fatah’s branch in Syria, which was held recently in Damascus, the capital of Syria.
Fatah Central Committee member [and Commissioner for Diaspora Branches] Jamal Muhaisen gave the plaque to President Abbas yesterday evening [Aug. 21, 2016] at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah on behalf of the elected members of the Fatah Movement branch in Syria.
He said: ‘This Al-Asifa (i.e., Fatah military unit) plaque is given to the president by the Fatah Movement conference, which was held in Damascus on the 13th of the current month [August].’
Muhaisen added: ‘The conference took place after 37 years of absence. It was a type of demonstration of Fatah, which was hosted by the city of Damascus in the shadow of these difficult circumstances (i.e., the Syrian war). Only 11 members were absent from the conference due to [various] constraints, five of them from the Al-Yarmouk refugee camp, and six from the city of Aleppo.”
A picture with the article shows PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas receiving the plaque from Fatah Central Committee member Jamal Muhaisen. The plaque bears the image of two hands in the colors of the Palestinian flag holding assault rifles, and a PA map of “Palestine” that presents Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas.