Senior Fatah official: "Normalization with Israel is treason!"
Official PA TV broadcast of an interview by Egyptian TV channel ONTV with Deputy Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee Jibril RajoubDeputy Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee Jibril Rajoub: “We say to the Arabs: It is forbidden for anyone to create normalization with Israel! Normalization with Israel is treason . We also say to members of the Egyptian press and [address] the Egyptian public opinion : You must distinguish between reaching us (i.e., traveling to the PA areas) - and after all we are your relatives and loved ones, and we are on our land and want you to come to us, and that is an important message – and normalization with Israel. There is no normalization with Israel!”
Jibril Rajoub also holds the following positions: Head of the Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs, Chairman of the Palestinian Football Association, Chairman of the Palestine Olympic Committee, and Chairman of the Palestinian Scout Association (PSA).