Mother of terrorist daughter: “All of us, praise Allah, present our children [as sacrifices], and we do not regret a thing”
Maryam Al-Khaddour, mother of terrorist Majd Al-Khaddour: “We in the land of Ribat (i.e., religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic) stand firm, Allah willing. And we are all on this path. May Allah have mercy on all of our Martyrs (Shahids). We are no better than Al-Khansa (woman in earliest period of Islam who rejoiced when her sons all died as Martyrs –Ed.)… All of us, praise Allah, present our children [as sacrifices], and we do not regret a thing.”
Majd Al-Khaddour – Palestinian female terrorist who carried out a car ramming attack outside of Kiryat Arba, near Hebron, on June 24, 2016. Al-Khaddour attempted to ram her car into a hitchhiking station but hit another car, wounding the two Israelis inside. During the attack Al-Khaddour was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers.
Al-Khansa - an Arab woman and poet from the earliest period of Islam (7th century) famous and honored in Islamic tradition for rejoicing when all four of her sons died in battle as Martyrs. She has been lauded by the PA and often presented as a role model for mothers, and the PA has named 8 schools after her.
Majd Al-Khaddour – Palestinian female terrorist who carried out a car ramming attack outside of Kiryat Arba, near Hebron, on June 24, 2016. Al-Khaddour attempted to ram her car into a hitchhiking station but hit another car, wounding the two Israelis inside. During the attack Al-Khaddour was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers.
Al-Khansa - an Arab woman and poet from the earliest period of Islam (7th century) famous and honored in Islamic tradition for rejoicing when all four of her sons died in battle as Martyrs. She has been lauded by the PA and often presented as a role model for mothers, and the PA has named 8 schools after her.