Fatah celebrates "blood" of two Israelis murdered yesterday
Fatah celebrates "blood" of
two Israelis murdered yesterday
Machine gun waves from Dome of Rock
above pool of blood representing 2 murdered Israelis
in Fatah cartoon
two Israelis murdered yesterday
Machine gun waves from Dome of Rock
above pool of blood representing 2 murdered Israelis
in Fatah cartoon

A hand waves a machine gun from the top of the Dome of the Rock in a cartoon posted by Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Movement this morning. In the corner is a pool of blood and two helmets with Stars of David, symbolizing the two murdered Israelis.
The text #Jerusalem accompanies the cartoon, which appeared today, after a Palestinian terrorist yesterday shot and murdered one Israeli civilian and one policeman, and injured six others during a shooting spree through Jerusalem. As Palestinian Media Watch has documented, the PA and Fatah portraying terrorists and murderers as great defenders of Islam and the Islamic holy places. The cartoon's message is that yesterday's murder of two Israelis is a victory.
Yesterday, the Fatah Movement was quick to praise the murderer as a "Martyr" and its Jerusalem branch announced a day of mourning.