Fatah Facebook glorifies terrorist who killed 3 on anniversary of his death

Image and text posted on the official Fatah Facebook page. The image shows terrorist Baha Alyan, who together with an accomplice murdered 3 Israelis in Jerusalem on Oct. 13, 2015.
Posted text: “Today [Oct. 13, 2016] is the first anniversary of the death as a Martyr (Shahid) of Baha Alyan (i.e., terrorist, murdered 3) from the occupied capital [of Jerusalem].
Baha carried out a self-sacrifice operation on a bus of settlers in the occupied capital city, which brought about his death as a Martyr, and the deaths of 3 settlers.”
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Baha Alyanand Bilal Ghanem – 22 and 23-year-old Palestinian terrorists who on Oct. 13, 2015, boarded a bus in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood with a gun and a knife and attacked passengers, killing Israelis Haviv Haim (78) and Alon Govberg (51), and Richard Lakin (76), and wounding 3 Israelis. Alyan was shot and killed by an Israeli security guard at the scene and Ghanem, a Hamas terrorist who served time in Israeli prison in 2013-2014, was wounded. Ghanem is serving 3 life sentences and an additional 60 years for these murders.
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