Fatah official strongly condemns assassination of Russian ambassador as terrorism
Text and image of a letter posted on the official Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki

Posted text:
“[Fatah Central Committee member and Fatah Commissioner for Arab and China Relations] brother Abbas Zaki expresses condolences to Russian Federation Ambassador in the State of Palestine [Alexander Rudakov] over the death of Russian Ambassador in Turkey [Andrey Karlov] as a result of an act of terror (on Dec. 19, 2016, Karlov was shot and killed by an off duty Turkish police officer, who afterwards shouted that he acted in revenge over Russia’s role in Syria and Aleppo –Ed.).”
Text of the letter in the image:
“His Honor, the honorable brother Alexander Rudakov
Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the State of Palestine
Greetings, and to the point:
On my behalf and on behalf of my colleagues in the Fatah Movement Central Committee and Revolutionary Council, I send you - and through you to His Honor [Russian] President Vladimir Putin and the friend, the Russian people – the most warm and sincere condolences over the death of Russian Ambassador in Turkey [Andrey Karlov] as a result of a terrorist assassination act, which was carried out by a criminal terror gang devoid of all human and moral values.
This criminal act of terror targeted the role of friend Russia in the war against these dark Takfir (i.e., the act of accusing other Muslims of heresy) gangs, which are supported by several regional powers; this brave role, which is meant to protect the security and stability of the peoples of the region. We in Fatah sharply condemn and denounce the criminal assassination act and salute the brave Russian role. We stand alongside it (i.e., the Russian role) in its war against these gangs until their elimination and the return of the stability and security for the countries of the region, and until peace prevails for all peoples of the region.
With respect and esteem,
Abbas Zaki
Fatah Central Committee member
[Fatah] Commissioner for Arab and China Relations”

Posted text:
“[Fatah Central Committee member and Fatah Commissioner for Arab and China Relations] brother Abbas Zaki expresses condolences to Russian Federation Ambassador in the State of Palestine [Alexander Rudakov] over the death of Russian Ambassador in Turkey [Andrey Karlov] as a result of an act of terror (on Dec. 19, 2016, Karlov was shot and killed by an off duty Turkish police officer, who afterwards shouted that he acted in revenge over Russia’s role in Syria and Aleppo –Ed.).”
Text of the letter in the image:
“His Honor, the honorable brother Alexander Rudakov
Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the State of Palestine
Greetings, and to the point:
On my behalf and on behalf of my colleagues in the Fatah Movement Central Committee and Revolutionary Council, I send you - and through you to His Honor [Russian] President Vladimir Putin and the friend, the Russian people – the most warm and sincere condolences over the death of Russian Ambassador in Turkey [Andrey Karlov] as a result of a terrorist assassination act, which was carried out by a criminal terror gang devoid of all human and moral values.
This criminal act of terror targeted the role of friend Russia in the war against these dark Takfir (i.e., the act of accusing other Muslims of heresy) gangs, which are supported by several regional powers; this brave role, which is meant to protect the security and stability of the peoples of the region. We in Fatah sharply condemn and denounce the criminal assassination act and salute the brave Russian role. We stand alongside it (i.e., the Russian role) in its war against these gangs until their elimination and the return of the stability and security for the countries of the region, and until peace prevails for all peoples of the region.
With respect and esteem,
Abbas Zaki
Fatah Central Committee member
[Fatah] Commissioner for Arab and China Relations”