Girl glorifies Martyrdom-death in poem, but PA TV host speaks against it
Girl 1: "You have enchanted my soul, O Martyr
You have taught it the meaning of eternity
You have filled it [my soul] with a desire to depart
You have taught it the meaning of resolve
You have captivated me, O Martyr
The soul of a noble man has two goals
To reach death and to achieve his desires...
You have enchanted my soul, O Martyr."
PA TV host: "Bravo."
Girl 1: "You have taught it the meaning of eternity."
PA TV puppet: "Bravo. Bravo."
Girl 1: "You have filled it with a desire to depart."
PA TV host: "My friend is very talented and has a beautiful voice when she sings, but we need to cling more to life, right? Because life is beautiful and there are many beautiful things in it. When we grow up, it will be even more beautiful, and we will fulfill ourselves. You can do what you love. Perhaps you will be a doctor, or engineer, or singer. Do what you love. Wonderful!"
[Official PA TV, The Best Home, Feb. 25, 2017]