PA Ministry of Information: Israeli narrative in Jerusalem is “full of lies and deception,” Israel has “attacked the sites that are holy to Islam and Christianity... [and] falsified… all testimony to the firm Palestinian right” to the city
Headline: “[PA] Ministry of Information: The occupation’s tourism breathes falsification and terror”
“The [PA] Ministry of Information said that the occupation’s efforts to advance a tourism project in order to tell the Jewish narrative in the Old [City of] Jerusalem constitute a continuation of the dark racism, and reflect tourism that breathes falsification and terror… The ministry emphasized yesterday [April 5, 2017] in a statement that the project of what is called the ‘Jerusalem Municipality’ and the [Israeli] Ministry for Jerusalem Affairs… proves to the world the truth about the Israeli narrative, which is full of lies and deception, and that there is no field of sports, art, tourism, culture, or heritage that is not emptied of content and colored with dark racism.
The ministry called on UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and ministries of tourism worldwide to intervene in order to stop this farce of Israel, which has committed the most despicable crimes in Jerusalem – not only against life, but also against the bones of the dead in their graves – and which has attacked the sites that are holy to Islam and Christianity, stolen ancient stones, targeted the trees, and falsified the names of the birds, plants, valleys, mountains, foods, clothing, and all testimony to the firm Palestinian right to Jerusalem.”
“The [PA] Ministry of Information said that the occupation’s efforts to advance a tourism project in order to tell the Jewish narrative in the Old [City of] Jerusalem constitute a continuation of the dark racism, and reflect tourism that breathes falsification and terror… The ministry emphasized yesterday [April 5, 2017] in a statement that the project of what is called the ‘Jerusalem Municipality’ and the [Israeli] Ministry for Jerusalem Affairs… proves to the world the truth about the Israeli narrative, which is full of lies and deception, and that there is no field of sports, art, tourism, culture, or heritage that is not emptied of content and colored with dark racism.
The ministry called on UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and ministries of tourism worldwide to intervene in order to stop this farce of Israel, which has committed the most despicable crimes in Jerusalem – not only against life, but also against the bones of the dead in their graves – and which has attacked the sites that are holy to Islam and Christianity, stolen ancient stones, targeted the trees, and falsified the names of the birds, plants, valleys, mountains, foods, clothing, and all testimony to the firm Palestinian right to Jerusalem.”