Abbas-appointed dean of Islamic schools: “Israel’s… war against the Arabs and Muslims is through sex mania… drugs… to destroy… our children’s values”
Imad Hamato, appointed by PA Chairman Abbas as dean of Gaza Al-Azhar schools, host of weekly PA TV program on Islam: "Our conflict today between us and Israel is the conflict between spirit and body. Israel’s global media has expanded, and its war against the Arabs and Muslims is through sex mania which it distributes globally. Israel had to use this sex mania, as we mentioned in a previous lesson, in order to destroy the spirit of Arabs and Muslims. Everything among the Muslims has died, except for their lust. Therefore we see filth and immodesty on many satellite channels, pictures and ads for penis enlargement and for all sorts of things. All of these are contrary to modesty. Why? Because the Jews, as it is said in the Quran, believe only in the body, not in the spirit. The Jews, according to our religion, believe only in the body... What has Israel given to the world in our times, aside from moral corruption and corrupt values, aside from the use of drugs and pills? I said in a previous lesson that the CIA has a unit called the Unit for Creating the Global Mood. They look at a map: ‘‘What is appropriate for Gaza, or Jordan, or Syria? Tramadol pills (i.e., pain killers)? Mood enhancers? Hallucinatory substances?” They are produced in India, sent to Israel, and distributed in Sinai. Afterwards they are spread in the region, in order to destroy what remains of our children’s values."
[Official PA TV, This is Our Religion, June 12, 2015 and April 14, 2017]
Rebroadcast of previously aired sermon on PA TV program 'This is Our Religion.' Hamato was appointed by PA Chairman Abbas in October 2016 as dean of the Al-Azhar institutes, a school system that prepares students for studies at the Al-Azhar University in Gaza.
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