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PA member of Parliament says Abbas is the sole ruler, no separation of powers in the PA

Headline: “Abu Shamaleh: The attack against the Fatah Parliament members’ office in Ramallah constitutes ‘terror’ and a violent breaking of the law”
“[PA] Parliament (Legislative Council) Member Majed Abu Shamaleh, a member of the Legislative Council for the Fatah parliamentary faction, said that the attack [by the PA] that was committed against the Fatah Parliament members’ office in Ramallah is ‘terror’ and a continuation of the executive branch’s violent takeover of the legislative branch.
Parliament Member Abu Shamaleh said this in an interview with [independent Palestinian] satellite channel Al-Kofiya (officially funded by exiled Fatah leader Muhammad Dahlan –Ed.), in which he held [PA] President [Mahmoud] Abbas and Head of the [PA] Preventive Security Force in the West Bank Ziyad Hab Al-Rih fully responsible for the raid of the Parliament members’ office, and emphasized that no statute of limitations applies to rights.
He added that actions of this type by the [PA] Security Forces are a message meant [to convey] that: Authority does not exist for any institution or law, other than the PA president’s authority; there is no legislative branch or judicial branch, just the president; there is no more PLO, just Head of the [PLO] Executive Council Mahmoud Abbas; and there is no more Fatah, just Mahmoud Abbas.”

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