PLO Chief Negotiator implies Israeli occupation root of regional instability and terror
Headline: “Erekat: The international community must strengthen the two-state option”
“PLO Executive Committee Secretary, [Fatah Central Committee member, and PLO Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat]… emphasized that the key to peace, security, stability, and victory over the terror and extremism in the Middle East region starts with ending the Israeli occupation and establishing the independent State of Palestine whose capital is East Jerusalem in the June 4, 1967 borders.”
“PLO Executive Committee Secretary, [Fatah Central Committee member, and PLO Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat]… emphasized that the key to peace, security, stability, and victory over the terror and extremism in the Middle East region starts with ending the Israeli occupation and establishing the independent State of Palestine whose capital is East Jerusalem in the June 4, 1967 borders.”