PLO official: Balfour Declaration “laid the foundations for the brutal system of oppression and Jewish settler colonialism in Palestine”
Headline: “During his visit to a number of prisoners and released prisoners’ families in Hebron – Karake: The Balfour Promise laid the foundations for the occupation’s brutal system of oppression”
“Director of [PLO] Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake said that the ominous Balfour Promise (i.e., Declaration)… laid the foundations for the brutal system of oppression and Jewish settler colonialism in Palestine, and that Britain bequeathed all of the means of oppression and violence against our people to the Zionist colonialism…
Karake said: ‘It is not enough that Britain apologize to the Palestinian people, rather it must pay compensation to our people following the disasters and victims that were caused to [our people] due to its policy supporting Zionism… and it also must recognize a free and independent Palestinian state, instead of degrading our people’s right to self-definition and celebrating the 100th anniversary of the colonialist Balfour Promise.’”
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The Balfour Declaration of Nov. 2, 1917 was a letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Baron Rothschild stating that “His Majesty's government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” In 1922, the League of Nations adopted this and made the British Mandate “responsible for putting into effect the declaration,” which led to the UN vote in 1947 and the establishment of the State of Israel.
“Director of [PLO] Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake said that the ominous Balfour Promise (i.e., Declaration)… laid the foundations for the brutal system of oppression and Jewish settler colonialism in Palestine, and that Britain bequeathed all of the means of oppression and violence against our people to the Zionist colonialism…
Karake said: ‘It is not enough that Britain apologize to the Palestinian people, rather it must pay compensation to our people following the disasters and victims that were caused to [our people] due to its policy supporting Zionism… and it also must recognize a free and independent Palestinian state, instead of degrading our people’s right to self-definition and celebrating the 100th anniversary of the colonialist Balfour Promise.’”
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The Balfour Declaration of Nov. 2, 1917 was a letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Baron Rothschild stating that “His Majesty's government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” In 1922, the League of Nations adopted this and made the British Mandate “responsible for putting into effect the declaration,” which led to the UN vote in 1947 and the establishment of the State of Israel.
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