Fatah official Abbas Zaki promises continued violence:
Fatah official Abbas Zaki promises continued violence:
"The weapons of the resistance are pure...
Whoever harms the weapons is not a patriot...
[but is treated] as a traitor...
Let these weapons multiply"
- Fatah official Abbas Zaki: The use of weapons "is subject to the authority of the highest institutions and the national decision. All talk of disarmament is consistent with [the interests of] Israel, while the talk of controlling [the weapons] is preparation for the coming day of battle"
- PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah: "It is the right of our people to defend itself through all of the means anchored in the international conventions"
- Fatah official Nasser Al-Qidwa: Disarming Hamas "is unacceptable, unrealistic, and impossible to implement"
- Hamas leadership member: "The resistance will never hand over its weapons"
By Nan Jacques Zilberdik
The US, Israel, and others have demanded that Hamas denounce violence and disarm in order for them to accept the unity deal that Hamas and Abbas' Fatah party signed in October.
Responding to this demand, several Fatah leaders have spoken against disarmament and reiterated Fatah's position not to lay down arms, but rather to continue the "resistance" - a Palestinian euphemism for violence and terror.
Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki stated that Fatah will "resume arming" its "brigades" in the Gaza Strip, and emphasized that Fatah adheres to violent "resistance" against Israel with weapons that are "pure." Zaki specified that the loyalty and allegiance of any Palestinian who suggests laying down "the weapons of the resistance" is cast into doubt, and such a person is perceived as a "traitor":
"The weapons of the resistance are pure, and must be kept. We are increasing our training daily and strengthening our capabilities for the appropriate day, because we are not like sheep going to the slaughter. Whoever harms the weapons of the resistance is not a patriot, and we must look at him in a different light, because these weapons are being used under occupation in a manner that is in accordance with the national decision. They can be beneficial if they are used, and they have a great effect on the other side, Israel. If there was peace and Israeli withdrawal, then perhaps this [issue] could be raised, and we would not treat one who raises it as a traitor... We suspect whoever talks about disarmament... It is forbidden to talk about the topic of the weapons at all..."
[Alam, local Hebron radio station, Nov. 9, 2017]
Zaki alluded to the future use of violence against Israel, mentioning that Fatah is preparing the weapons for "the appropriate day," and for "the coming day of battle." Furthermore, he emphasized that the decision on the usage and timing of violence is a "national decision":
"In the Fatah Central Committee we forbid raising the topic [of disarmament]. Let these weapons multiply and become more sophisticated. But their usage is subject to the authority of the highest institutions and the national decision. All talk of disarmament is consistent with [the interests of] Israel, while the talk of controlling [the weapons] is preparation for the coming day of battle."
Zaki's talk of the usefulness of the weapons and their effect on Israel is possibly a reference to the PA's violence-diplomacy strategy by which the PA alternates between violence and negotiations. Palestinian leaders have referred to the use of violence as "seeding," meaning that terror is used to inflict suffering and fear on Israeli society and the international community, after which the terror is stopped temporarily in order to let diplomacy "reap" the fruits of the terror. The ongoing threats of renewed terror are seen by Palestinians as a primary motivation for Israeli leaders to give in to Palestinian demands.
Zaki's statements follow similar ones by other Palestinian officials in support for "resistance." Palestinian Media Watch reported that on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein stated that: "The only way to freedom and liberation is resistance to the occupier... There is no honor for the weak." [Facebook page of Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor to NGOs Sultan Abu Al-Einein, Nov. 2, 2017] Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi wrote: "No to apology, no to compensation, and no to compromise, rather resistance until the return [of the refugees], the state, and self-determination." [Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi, Nov. 2, 2017]
A spokesman for Fatah, Nasser Al-Qidwa, stated that Israel's demand to disarm Hamas is "unacceptable, unrealistic, and impossible to implement":
"Regarding the Israeli approach, which impertinently interferes in order to sabotage the reconciliation and demands the disarmament [of Hamas], [official Fatah Spokesman and Commissioner of Information, Culture, and Indoctrination Nasser] Al-Qidwa emphasized that this is unacceptable, unrealistic, and impossible to implement. He said that in general, disarmament will take place either through war or a political settlement, and noted that Israel has attempted war three times, and has not succeeded in disarming [Hamas]."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 8, 2017]
Meanwhile,Hamas leadership member Mahmoud Al-Zahar has emphasized that the terror organization has no intention of complying with any demand of disarmament:
"Al-Zahar explained... that no one can come near the resistance's weapons or disarm it. He responded to the statements of [PA] Police Director in the West Bank Hazem Atallah, who promised to disarm the [Izz A-Din] Al-Qassam [Brigades] (i.e., Hamas' military wing): 'Hazem Atallah cannot disarm the resistance, and the resistance will never hand over its weapons.'"
[Wattan, independent Palestinian news agency, Nov. 14, 2017]
PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah stressed in a statement to the press that: "It is the right of our people to defend itself through all of the means anchored in the international conventions." [WAFA, official PA news agency, Nov. 2, 2017]
The terms "all means," "all means of resistance," and "all forms" are used by PA leaders to include all types of violence, including deadly terror against Israeli civilians such as stabbings and shootings, as well as throwing rocks and Molotov Cocktails. PA leaders and officials have legitimized such Palestinian violence by quoting UN resolution 3236, which "recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to regain its rights by all means." The PA interprets "all means" as including violence against civilians, but has chosen to ignore the continuation of the resolution which states that the use of "all means" should be "in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations..." The UN Charter prohibits targeting civilians, even in war. Chapter 1, Article 1, opens by saying that "international disputes" should be resolved "by peaceful means."
Other Fatah Central Committee members' support for continued "resistance" was documented by PMW last month. Following Fatah and Hamas' reconciliation, some Fatah Central Committee members hurried to assure that Fatah has not abandoned "resistance." Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee Jibril Rajoub vowed that Fatah "has not and will not give up resistance," whereas another committee member, Azzam Al-Ahmad, emphasized that Fatah's principles remain "popular resistance, armed struggle, and negotiations."
For years, PA and Fatah have glorified violence and promoted the use of arms against Israel. These messages are also conveyed to Palestinian children, and Fatah reinforces them. Fatah posted a Palestinian girl's drawing (below), which included three rifles: the crossed rifles at the bottom and the rifle behind the Dome of the Rock at the top. The drawing was made on the occasion of the reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas. This is one example of how integral the legitimacy of the use of violence and "resistance" has become in children's education and children's discourse.

The drawing by a Palestinian girl, Nedaa Abu Rawaa, shows former PLO and PA Chairman Yasser Arafat on the left and Hamas founder and former head Ahmed Yassin on the right. Between them is the Dome of the Rock with clasped arms above it, a rifle behind it, and a handshake below it between a green hand representing Hamas and a yellow hand representing Fatah - referring to the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation. Behind this is a sun in the colors of the Palestinian flag. At the bottom are two crossed rifles and another handshake. "Palestine" is written twice. [Official Fatah Facebook page, Nov. 6, 2017]
The following are longer excerpts of the statements above:
Alam radio host: "In Israel, everyone is always asking: "What will happen with the weapons of the resistance?"
Fatah Movement Central Committee member Abbas Zaki: "The weapons of the resistance are pure, and must be kept. We are increasing our training daily and strengthening our capabilities for the appropriate day, because we are not like sheep going to the slaughter. Whoever harms the weapons of the resistance is not a patriot, and we must look at him in a different light, because these weapons are being used under occupation in a manner that is in accordance with the national decision. They can be beneficial if they are used, and they have a great effect on the other side, Israel. If there was peace and Israeli withdrawal, then perhaps this [issue] could be raised, and we would not treat one who raises it as a traitor... We suspect whoever talks about disarmament... It is forbidden to talk about the topic of the weapons at all... It is forbidden... I will not allow it. We have brigades in the Gaza Strip, and now we will resume arming them even more... In the Fatah Central Committee we forbid raising the topic [of disarmament]. Let these weapons multiply and become more sophisticated. But their usage is subject to the authority of the highest institutions and the national decision. All talk of disarmament is consistent with [the interests of] Israel, while the talk of controlling [the weapons] is preparation for the coming day of battle."
[Alam, local Hebron radio station, Nov. 9, 2017]
Headline: "What did Al-Zahar say in response to demands to disarm the resistance?"
"Hamas leadership member Mahmoud Al-Zahar emphasized today, Monday [Nov. 13, 2017], that the [PA] government and the PA are placing conditions in order to make the [Hamas-Fatah] reconciliation fail so as not to bear their responsibility and to avoid the Egyptian initiative. He also emphasized that it is necessary to 'determine the mechanisms for implementing what the factions agreed upon in 2011' including the emphasis that the security doctrine considers Israel an enemy.'
Al-Zahar explained in a TV interview that no one can come near the resistance's weapons or disarm it. He responded to the statements of [PA] Police Director in the West Bank Hazem Atallah, who promised to disarm the [Izz A-Din] Al-Qassam [Brigades] (i.e., Hamas' military wing): ' Hazem Atallah cannot disarm the resistance, and the resistance will never hand over its weapons. The resistance is the guarantee of Gaza's security.'"
[Wattan, independent Palestinian news agency, Nov. 14, 2017]
Headline: "Al-Qidwa: Israel's demand for disarmament is unacceptable and unrealistic"
"Official Fatah Spokesman and [Fatah] Commissioner of Information, Culture, and Indoctrination Nasser Al-Qidwa reviewed the Israeli policy and the Israeli steps of escalation towards the members of our people... during a press conference that he convened yesterday [Nov. 7, 2017]...
In everything regarding the subject of [Hamas-Fatah] reconciliation, Al-Qidwa welcomed the steps that have been implemented until now...
Regarding security, Al-Qidwa noted that a decision has been made on the subject, and that the security forces need to be under the full control of the [PA] government...
In everything regarding the weapons of the factions, Al-Qidwa noted that these are known factions (such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and not organizations such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda -Ed.) He noted that there are different and perhaps conflicting approaches, such as the Israeli approach and the Palestinian approach. Regarding the Israeli approach, which impertinently interferes in order to sabotage the reconciliation and demands the disarmament [of Hamas], Al-Qidwa emphasized that this is unacceptable, unrealistic, and impossible to implement. He said that in general, disarmament will take place either through war or a political settlement, and noted that Israel has attempted war three times, and has not succeeded in disarming [Hamas]. Regarding a settlement, Al-Qidwa said that it is not on the horizon, and that if there will be initial signs of an settlement 'we will talk about the subject when the time comes.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 8, 2017]