Palestinians react to US recognition of Jerusalem
as capital of Israel
- Burning of pictures of Trump
- Burning of Israeli flags
- Abbas: "US President Trump's decision will not change the reality of the city of Jerusalem, nor will it give any legitimacy to Israel in this regard, because it is an Arab Christian and Muslim city, the eternal capital of the state of Palestine."
- PA Ministry of Education announced suspension of studies in all schools
- Ramallah and Bethlehem municipalities turned off cities' Christmas trees
- Official PA daily: "Blatant American aggression against justice and history"
- PLO Ambassador to Washington: "Trump's decision regarding Jerusalem is a knife in the back"
- PA unity government: "Such a thing has only happened in the darkest periods of the history of the states and of human history"
By Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Different Palestinian responses have been noted throughout the day following US President Donald Trump's recognition yesterday of Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and his promise to move the US embassy there. The following are some of these reactions:
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas "denounced and rejected" the American decision, stating that it is "a deliberate undermining of all efforts to achieve peace," and "a declaration of the withdrawal of the United States from playing the role which it has played over the past decades as a peace broker." [WAFA, official PA news agency, Dec. 6, 2017]
In what the official PA news agency called an "unofficial translation" of Abbas' speech, Abbas repeated the Palestinian mantra that Jerusalem is an "Arab Christian and Muslim city," completely denying Jewish history in it:
"This is the holy land of Prophet Muhammad, the cradle of Jesus Christ and the burial site of Moses. We say that Jerusalem is the city of peace, the city of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first of the two Qibla, the second mosque and the third of the two Holy Mosques, and the city of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Palestine, is bigger and more ancient for its Arabic identity to be altered with a measure or a decision. The identity of Jerusalem and its history will not be forged.
US President Trump's decision tonight will not change the reality of the city of Jerusalem, nor will it give any legitimacy to Israel in this regard, because it is an Arab Christian and Muslim city, the eternal capital of the state of Palestine."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Dec. 6, 2017]
The PA's national unity government "emphasized its opposition and condemnation of the American steps," and PA Government Spokesman Yusuf Al-Mahmoud likewise repeated that Jerusalem is the "occupied capital of the State of Palestine," while he compared Trump's decision to events in "the darkest periods of history":
"The international institutions are talking about an occupied city [Jerusalem], which is the capital city of the State of Palestine, and they are not talking about it being permitted to give it to others through President Trump's speech. He added that such a thing has only happened in the darkest periods of the history of the states and of human history."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 7, 2017]
Abbas' Fatah Movement posted images of burning pictures of Trump (top). Text in English below the burning picture of Trump with a red x over his face said: "Jerusalem, Palestine's heart is not up for negotiations" [Facebook page of the Fatah Information and Culture Commission, Dec. 7, 2017]
Fatah also posted pictures of Israeli flags being burned and signs held at a demonstration in Cairo. Among the signs, some called for "death to Israel" while others predicted the "fall" of Trump and America:
Posted text: "Pictures of burning the Israeli flag at a demonstration in Cairo that rejects US President [Donald] Trump's statement that Jerusalem is the capital of the occupation."
Text on signs:
"Jerusalem the capital of Palestine - death to Israel!"
The resistance lives, Trump will fall - patron of the Zionists!"
"America will fall!"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 7, 2017]
Another Fatah post showed people demonstrating against Trump, holding posters with Trump's picture on them with a red x over his face, and text in English over his face: "Jewish Shill" [Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 7, 2017]
Instead of Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Fatah made a Palestinian version of events, adding new text to a photo of Trump holding up his signed memorandum: "Jerusalem the eternal capital of Palestine" [Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 6, 2017]:
The headline banner in the official PA daily showed the Temple Mount with the western part of Jerusalem seen in the background and carried the text:
"Blatant American aggression against justice and history"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 7, 2017]
A headline in the paper read: "Today: Rage, a general strike, the suspension of the schools, and processions."
The PA Ministry of Education "announced a suspension of studies in all of the schools in the homeland today," and encouraged students to participate in demonstrations. As a sign of condemnation of the American decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and transfer its embassy to Jerusalem, the Ramallah and Bethlehem municipalities "turned off [the lights on] the Christmas trees at Martyr Yasser Arafat Square and at the Church of the Nativity plaza." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 7, 2017]
PLO Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat said: "President Trump has destroyed any chance for the two-state solution," and added: "I think that tonight President Trump distanced the US from playing any role in any peace process." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 7, 2017]
The PLO Ambassador to Washington and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Strategic Affairs Husam Zomlot said that "American President Donald Trump's decision regarding Jerusalem is a knife in the back and a bullet that kills the two-state solution." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 7, 2017]
As Palestinian Media Watch reported yesterday, many PA and Fatah leaders and officials warned of violence in case Trump would recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Fatah Central Committee member and Commissioner of Mobilization and Organization in the West Bank Jamal Muhaisen called on Palestinians "to go out into the streets to express rage":

"Tomorrow [Thursday, Dec. 7] all of the Palestinians everywhere they are located must go out into the streets in order to express rage and condemnation of this step."
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Dec. 6, 2017]
Similarly, the PA Government called on "the masses of our people" to "express their opposition" and drew a parallel to "the last Jerusalem uprising," which may refer to either several months of deadly Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis 2015 - 2016, or to Palestinian riots and violence in response to Israeli security steps at the Temple Mount in July 2017:
"Led by [PA] Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, the [PA] government called on the masses of our people - with all of its groups and wherever it is located - to express their opposition to the dangerous American intentions to transfer the American embassy to occupied Jerusalem or recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel... The government emphasized that the members of our people - who stood upright during the last Jerusalem uprising and presented a spectacular example of resolve, sacrifice - will stand against any attempt to harm the holy city [of Jerusalem], Judaize it, and change its characteristics and its eternal Arab-Islamic cultural identity."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 6, 2017]
The PA Government further emphasized that a transfer of the US embassy "to occupied Jerusalem" or the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel "will threaten the peace and security in our region and the world."
The Fatah Movement called for "a popular uprising" - a term used by Palestinians, which also refers to the use of violence and terror:
Headline: "Fatah in Nablus called for a popular uprising (i.e., term used by Palestinians, which also refers to the use of violence and terror) against Trump's decision"
"The Fatah Movement in Nablus today, Wednesday [Dec. 6, 2017], called to come out determinedly and in force against American President [Donald Trump's] decision to transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem.
During the emergency meeting convened by Fatah's Nablus branch today, Fatah called... on the masses of the people, with all of its components and parts, and in all places where it is located, to bear the moral, national, and human responsibility to come out against the aggression that threatens to harm our Islamic and Christian holy sites, and to be ready to express their rejection of the dangerous American bias."
[Ma'an, independent Palestinian news agency, Dec. 6, 2017]
Fatah's youth movement Shabiba hinted that violence should be the response of Palestinian youth, declaring that "All of the options are open for Jerusalem."
"The Fatah Shabiba Secretariat in the West Bank said that any step by the American administration that is in complete alignment with the settler government in Israel means the opening of all the doors and options before us in order to defend the Arabness of holy Jerusalem.
Shabiba said in a notice it published today, Tuesday [Dec, 5, 2017], that the young people of Palestine, led by Fatah Shabiba, will not hesitate to overturn the table and change all of the equations for holy Jerusalem, which is the pride and honor of the Arabs and Muslims."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Dec. 5, 2017]
Terms such as "all options" and "all means of resistance," are used by Palestinians to include using all types of violence, including deadly terror against Israeli civilians such as stabbings and shootings, as well as throwing rocks and Molotov Cocktails.
Before Trump made his statement, PA Security Forces Official Spokesman Adnan Al-Damiri warned that transfer of the US embassy or US recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel would "put the US in a confrontation with all of the peoples of the region and the entire world... [and] turn it from a state that is biased in favor of the occupation into a state that is a partner in the occupation." He added that Trump's signing the embassy transfer will "threaten the interests of his country in the region, and will be met with unexpected responses on the official and popular level. This is because playing with the future of Jerusalem is a dangerous red line from a national, religious, and human perspective." Damiri further stated that "the Palestinian people... will not accept this and will come out with all of its capabilities to defend Jerusalem, which is not only Palestinian, but also Arab and Islamic, and Allah wanted us as Palestinians to carry out Ribat (i.e., religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic) in Jerusalem and its surroundings; we will defend it and protect this precious diamond with all of our force.'"
[Donia Al-Watan, independent Palestinian news agency, Dec. 6, 2017]
The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces, which is an unaffiliated coordinating body comprised of representatives from factions in the PLO and outside the PLO, "declared 'Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday as days of popular rage throughout the homeland'" [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 6, 2017]
Palestinians see Trump's decision as a deliberate choice of turning his back on the peace process. A cartoon in the official PA daily illustrated this:

The cartoon shows a chameleon representing the US, indicated by the Uncle Sam hat. The chameleon is stepping from an olive branch representing the peace process onto a sword dripping with blood, which is marked with a Star of David representing Israel. As it steps over, the chameleon is changing colors from the green of the olive branch to the silvery steel of the sword. [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 6, 2017]
PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi accused Trump of "dragging the region to the brink of the abyss in a deliberate and premeditated manner," and said that the transfer of the embassy "has far-reaching consequences that will drag the region and the entire world towards additional violence, terror, and extremism." [Wattan, independent Palestinian news agency, Dec. 5, 2017]
The following are additional statements and longer excerpts of the statements mentioned above:
Headline: "?Slap of the century' (play on words, rhymes with 'deal of the century' -Ed.) - Trump recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel!"
"US President Donald Trump yesterday [Dec. 6, 2017] declared that the US recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This decision has put an end to a 20-year-old American policy. Trump's declaration came at a time when the world is talking about what is called the 'deal of the century,' which the American administration is formulating in order to establish peace in the Middle East...
The PLO said that Trump's decision on Jerusalem 'destroys' any chance for the two-state solution. PLO Executive Committee Secretary, [Fatah Central Committee member, and PLO Chief Negotiator] Saeb Erekat said: 'Unfortunately, President Trump has destroyed any chance for the two-state solution.' He explained: 'I think that tonight President Trump distanced the US from playing any role in any peace process.'
The [PA] national unity government emphasized its opposition and condemnation of the American steps declared by Trump. Official [PA] Government Spokesman Yusuf Al-Mahmoud... emphasized that the international institutions are talking about an occupied city [Jerusalem], which is the capital city of the State of Palestine, and they are not talking about it being permitted to give it to others through President Trump's speech. He added that such a thing has only happened in the darkest periods of the history of the states and of human history."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 7, 2017]
Headline: "Wall-to-wall Palestinian condemnations of the American slap"
"Fatah Movement Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub said... that the transfer of the [US] embassy proves to us clearly that [US President Donald] Trump's administration is not objective in its relations with the two sides in the struggle, is not balanced, and does not view Jerusalem as occupied territory...
Palestinian [PLO] Ambassador to Washington [and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Strategic Affairs] Husam Zomlot said that American President Donald Trump's decision regarding Jerusalem is a knife in the back and a bullet that kills the two-state solution...
The Al-Azhar Institutes in Palestine said: 'The decision to transfer the American embassy to Jerusalem cannot pass in quiet. It will bring disgrace and destruction on the region, and it is the beginning of the end of the injustice that the US, Israel, and their helpers are causing.' They emphasized that 'A clash with the oppressor and oppressors is anticipated for Jerusalem - with all of its men, women, Murabitin (i.e., those carrying out Ribat, religious conflict/war to protect land claimed to be Islamic), and lovers.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 7, 2017]
Headline: "President Abbas: Trump disregarded international law with his declaration on Jerusalem"
"RAMALLAH, December 6, 2017 (WAFA) - President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday that with US President Donald Trump declaring that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, he has chosen to disregard all international resolutions and bilateral agreements, preferring to ignore and contradict the international consensus expressed by many countries and leaders of the world, its spiritual leaders and regional organizations over the past few days on the issue of Jerusalem.
He said in a speech in response to Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, "These measures are a reward to Israel's violations of international resolutions and an encouragement for Israel to continue its policy of occupation, settlements, apartheid and ethnic cleansing."
Abbas added, "These measures also serve extremist groups attempting to turn the conflict in our region into a religious war that is dragging the region, which is living critical situations in the midst of international conflicts and endless wars. This is what we have always warned of and we have rejected and fought."
He said, "These measures, which are denounced and rejected, are a deliberate undermining of all efforts to achieve peace, and is a declaration of the withdrawal of the United States from playing the role which it has played over the past decades as a peace broker."
Following is an unofficial translation of Abbas' speech:
Our national cause is at a critical moment today, following the measures announced today by the US administration on Jerusalem.
The US administration has chosen to violate all international and bilateral resolutions and agreements, preferring to ignore and contradict the international consensus expressed by the positions of various countries, world leaders, spiritual leaders and regional organizations over the past few days on the subject of Jerusalem.
These reprehensible measures constitute a deliberate undermining of all peace efforts and represent a declaration that the United States has withdrawn from playing the role it has played in the past decades in sponsoring the peace process.
These measures also reward Israel for denying agreements and defying international resolutions, and encourage Israel to pursue the policy of occupation, settlement, apartheid and ethnic cleansing.
These measures also serve the extremist groups that are trying to transform the conflict in our region into a religious war, which is dragging the region that is already going through critical situations being in the midst of international conflicts and endless wars. This is what we have always warned of and affirmed our desire to reject and fight.
During the past few days, we have been in close contact with many leaders of neighboring countries, reaffirming the unity of the Arab, Islamic and international position on the issue of Jerusalem and the rights of the Palestinian people and the requirements for achieving a just and comprehensive peace based on the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on all of the territories occupied in 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital alongside Israel, and resolving the refugees issue in accordance with Resolution 194 and the Arab Peace Initiative.
The leadership is keeping up-to-date on the developments of the situation and is in the process of formulating appropriate decisions and procedures in consultation with neighboring Arab and Muslim countries.
This historic moment should serve as an additional incentive for all of us to accelerate and intensify efforts to end the division and restore Palestinian national unity to ensure the victory of our people in their struggle for freedom and independence.
The coming days will witness a call for various Palestinian committees and bodies to convene in emergency meetings to follow up on the developments. We will call on the Central Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization to hold an emergency session that all factions will be invited to in order to affirm the unified Palestinian national position and put all options before it.
This is the holy land of Prophet Muhammad, the cradle of Jesus Christ and the burial site of Moses. We say that Jerusalem is the city of peace, the city of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first of the two Qibla, the second mosque and the third of the two Holy Mosques, and the city of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Palestine, is bigger and more ancient for its Arabic identity to be altered with a measure or a decision. The identity of Jerusalem and its history will not be forged.
US President Trump's decision tonight will not change the reality of the city of Jerusalem, nor will it give any legitimacy to Israel in this regard, because it is an Arab Christian and Muslim city, the eternal capital of the state of Palestine.
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Dec. 6, 2017]
Headline: "The [PA] government: The recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel threatens the peace and security of the world"
"During its weekly meeting, which was held yesterday [Dec. 5, 2017] in Ramallah led by [PA] Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, the [PA] government called on the masses of our people - with all of its groups and wherever it is located - to express their opposition to the dangerous American intentions to transfer the American embassy to occupied Jerusalem or recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel...
The government emphasized that the members of our people - who stood upright during the last Jerusalem uprising (refers either to several months of deadly Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis 2015 - 2016, or to Palestinian violence in response to Israeli security steps at the Temple Mount in July 2017 -Ed.)
and presented a spectacular example of resolve, sacrifice - will stand against any attempt to harm the holy city [of Jerusalem], Judaize it, and change its characteristics and its eternal Arab-Islamic cultural identity.
The government emphasized that transferring the American embassy to occupied Jerusalem or recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will threaten the peace and security in our region and the world."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 6, 2017]
Palestinian terror wave (2015-2016) - Palestinian violence and terror attacks against Israelis, including stabbings, shootings, throwing Molotov cocktails, and car rammings. It started in September 2015 and as of July 2016, 40 people were murdered (36 Israelis, 1 Palestinian, 2 Americans, and 1 foreign worker from Eritrea) and over 500 wounded.
Source: "Wave of terror 2015/16"
The mention of "the last Jerusalem uprising" may refer to Palestinian violence following Israeli security measures at the Temple Mount, including metal detectors at the entrances, following an attack there on July 14, 2017, in which 2 Israeli border police officers were murdered by 3 Israeli Arab terrorists. This wave of violence included a stabbing attack by terrorist Omar Al-Abd, who murdered 3 Israelis at their home in Halamish, north of Ramallah, on July 21, 2017. On July 24, 2017, Israel decided to remove the metal detectors and security cameras it had placed at the Temple Mount. The PA continued to demand that all measures including inspections at the entrances be removed, and Palestinians continued to riot. On July 27, 2017, PA religious leaders declared that all Israeli measures had been removed.
Headline: "Al-Damiri: Transferring the embassy will place the US in a confrontation with the states of the region"
"General Political Commissioner [of the PLO Political and National Guidance Authority] and [PA] Security Forces Official Spokesman Adnan Al-Damiri said that if the American administration transfers its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of the occupation state [Israel], this will put the US in a confrontation with all of the peoples of the region and the entire world. This will also turn it from a state that is biased in favor of the occupation into a state that is a partner in the occupation, will endanger its interests in the region, and will disprove its false claims according to which it respects international law and the decisions of international bodies...
Al-Damiri added that American President [Donald Trump's] signature on the decision to transfer the embassy will threaten the interests of his country in the region, and will be met with unexpected responses on the official and popular level. This is because playing with the future of Jerusalem is a dangerous red line from a national, religious, and human perspective. He also added that Jerusalem has been the key to war and the key to peace for many generations.
He said: 'Today we are waging a fateful battle over Jerusalem, the diamond in the crown, and the eternal capital of Palestine. The American government led by Trump is trying to play with a serious matter for us as Muslim and Christian Palestinians. If this happens, the US will turn from a state that is the patron of the cause of peace in the region to a state that is occupying Jerusalem, and we will treat it as we treat the Israeli occupation.' He added that everyone must prepare for the next step after Washington's recognition of Jerusalem [as the capital of Israel], and said that the Palestinian people, with all of its components, will not accept this and will come out with all of its capabilities to defend Jerusalem, which is not only Palestinian, but also Arab and Islamic, and Allah wanted us as Palestinians to carry out Ribat (i.e., religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic) in Jerusalem and its surroundings; we will defend it and protect this precious diamond with all of our force.'"
[Donia Al-Watan, independent Palestinian news agency, Dec. 6, 2017]
Headline: "Fatah in Nablus called for a popular uprising (i.e., term used by Palestinians, which also refers to the use of violence and terror) against Trump's decision"
"The Fatah Movement in Nablus today, Wednesday [Dec. 6, 2017], called to come out determinedly and in force against American President [Donald Trump's] decision to transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem.
During the emergency meeting convened by Fatah's Nablus branch today, Fatah called... on the masses of the people, with all of its components and parts, and in all places where it is located, to bear the moral, national, and human responsibility to come out against the aggression that threatens to harm our Islamic and Christian holy sites, and to be ready to express their rejection of the dangerous American bias, if Trump's speech tomorrow includes a decision to transfer the American embassy to Jerusalem or recognize it as the capital of Israel. Likewise, it called on the people to unite around the legal leadership of the Palestinian people, strengthen the national unity, and fortify the internal front.
Fatah emphasized in a statement that the members of the Palestinian people - who stood [firm] during the last Jerusalem uprising (refers either to several months of deadly Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis 2015 - 2016, or to Palestinian violence in response to Israeli security steps at the Temple Mount in July 2017 -Ed.) and presented the most spectacular examples of resolve and sacrifice - will stand against any attempt to harm the holy city [of Jerusalem], Judaize it, and change its characteristics and its eternal Arab-Islamic cultural identity."
[Ma'an, independent Palestinian news agency, Dec. 6, 2017]
The terms "peaceful uprising/resistance," and "popular uprising/resistance" are used by PA leaders at times to refer to peaceful protest and at times to refer to deadly terror attacks and terror waves. For example, Mahmoud Abbas defined as "peaceful popular" the murderous terror during the 2015-2016 terror wave ("The Knife Intifada"), in which 40 people were killed (36 Israelis, 1 Palestinian, 2 Americans and 1 Eritrean) and hundreds wounded by stabbings, shootings and car ramming attacks: Abbas said: "we want peaceful popular uprising, and that's what this is."
Headline: "The National and Islamic Forces: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday - days of popular rage"
"The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces yesterday [Dec. 5, 2017] called to hold 'days of popular rage' in protest of a possible American decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and transfer the American embassy to it from Tel Aviv.
The forces declared 'Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday as days of popular rage throughout the homeland, gatherings in all the city centers, and sit-down strikes in front of the American embassy and consulates.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 6, 2017]
Palestinian National and Islamic Forces - an unaffiliated coordinating body comprised of representatives from factions in the PLO and outside the PLO. The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces were established in 2000 shortly after the start of the PA terror campaign (the second Intifada, 2000-2005), under the authorization of Yasser Arafat and the leadership of terrorist Marwan Barghouti. During the PA terror campaign it played an active role in coordinating political efforts and terror attacks against Israel, but since the end of the campaign it has been less significant and its activity is primarily centered in Gaza.
Headline: "Ashrawi: Transferring the US embassy to Jerusalem confirms Trump's insistence on dragging the region to the brink of an abyss"
"PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi said: 'American President [Donald Trump's] insistence on transferring the embassy to Jerusalem is a grave matter which has far-reaching consequences that will drag the region and the entire world towards additional violence, terror, and extremism.' [...]
She also noted that the fact that the American administration is continuing on this dangerous path confirms Trump's insistence on dragging the region to the brink of the abyss in a deliberate and premeditated manner, despite all of the intensive attempts and advice that world leaders and the international community have given him, including the Arab states and Europe, in order to dissuade him from making this dangerous decision."
[Wattan, independent Palestinian news agency, Dec. 5, 2017]
Fatah Central Committee member Jamal Muhaisen: "Today, Israel - together with the US - can make the decision it wants as they think [best]. Therefore, we say to our Palestinian people everywhere it is located: There will be activities starting today, but tomorrow [Thursday, Dec. 7] all of the Palestinians everywhere they are located must go out into the streets in order to express rage and condemnation of this step. And beyond that I say: If the American president [Trump] gives this speech, it means that he doesn't care about the Arab response."
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Dec. 6, 2017]
Jamal Muhaisen also holds the following positions: Fatah Commissioner of Mobilization and Organization in the West Bank and PLO Central Council member.