Fatah poster calls for violence: “O fighters, tighten your iron grip on the rifles that create victory”

Image and text posted on the official Fatah Facebook page
Posted text: “From the posters of the revolution on the anniversary of the Launch (Intilaqa):
O fighters,
Tighten your iron grip on the rifles that create victory, the decision is yours and the future and victory are yours”
The image shows the back of a masked Palestinian wearing a keffiyeh (Arab headdress) and backpack and carrying an assault rifle. To the right of the armed Palestinian appears the Fatah logo that includes a grenade, crossed rifles, and the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas.
Text on image: “O fighters,
Tighten your iron grip on the rifles that create victory, the decision is yours and the future is yours
[Former PLO and PA Chairman] Yasser Arafat”
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Intilaqa - "the Launch" refers to the beginning of Fatah on Jan. 1, 1965, when it carried out its first terror attack against Israel, attempting to blow up Israel's National Water Carrier.
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