Cartoon on Fatah’s Information and Culture Commission website shows imprint of fighter jet on the ground near IDF logo
Cartoon posted on the website of the Fatah Information and Culture Commission
Headline: “The Israeli planes fell… (sic., only one fighter jet was shot down; see note below)”
The cartoon shows the imprint of a fighter jet on the ground with smoke rising from it, and the logo of the Israeli army next to it. The cartoon refers to the Israeli fighter jet that was shot down on Feb. 10, 2018.
An Israeli fighter jet was shot down by Syria on Feb. 10, 2018, during an airstrike on military targets that Israel launched in response to an Iranian drone infiltrating Israeli airspace from Syria.
Headline: “The Israeli planes fell… (sic., only one fighter jet was shot down; see note below)”
The cartoon shows the imprint of a fighter jet on the ground with smoke rising from it, and the logo of the Israeli army next to it. The cartoon refers to the Israeli fighter jet that was shot down on Feb. 10, 2018.
An Israeli fighter jet was shot down by Syria on Feb. 10, 2018, during an airstrike on military targets that Israel launched in response to an Iranian drone infiltrating Israeli airspace from Syria.