PLO officials defend PA payments to terrorists, saying the PA will “defend their struggle in every way, and work for their release”
Headline: “[PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs conference on the occupation’s terror and the racist laws against the prisoners”
“The [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs held a conference in Ramallah yesterday afternoon [Feb. 27, 2018] on the topic of ‘Israeli terror and legislation of racist laws against the Palestinian prisoners in the occupation’s prisons’…
Fatah Movement Central Committee member, [Fatah Commissioner of Mobilization and Organization in the West Bank, and PLO Central Council member] Jamal Muhaisen, Director of [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake, [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club Chairman Qadura Fares, and Arab Israeli Parliament Member Osama Sa’adi spoke at the conference…
Muhaisen said: ‘The Palestinian leadership, led by [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas], is placing the prisoners’ cause at the top of its priorities. The Palestinian leadership and people are proud of their prisoners’ movement. They will always support their rights, defend their struggle in every way, and work for their release and the emptying of the prisons.’
Karake emphasized that the goal that Israel is seeking to attain by recently legislating racist laws against the Palestinian prisoners – with the latest example of this being the bill to deduct great amounts of money from the PA’s tax revenues, at an amount equaling that which is paid to the families of the Martyrs (Shahids) and to the prisoners (see note below –Ed.) - … is first and foremost to define the Palestinian struggle as a crime and denounce it as terror…
Fares said… that through the pressure to stop the allowances (mukhassasat) of the prisoners and Martyrs, the occupation is attempting to create a situation of an obedient Palestinian society that will agree to everything that is forced upon it, on the basis of changing the national values, principles, and outlook of the Palestinian person, in order to ensure obedience to its laws – something that the Palestinian people will never accept.
Sa’adi spoke about the Israeli right-wing extremism in the Israeli Parliament, and about the wave of racist legislation against the Palestinians in general and the prisoners in particular. He noted that no Israeli government has reached such a level of extremism and crime.”
Bill to deduct terror salaries from PA tax money - On Feb. 18, 2018, the Israeli Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill proposed by the Israeli Ministry of Defense that would deduct the amount of money the PA pays imprisoned terrorists and families of "Martyrs" from the tax money Israel collects for the PA. The bill would enable the deducted money to be used for infrastructure benefitting all West Bank residents, compensation awarded to terror victims in lawsuits against the PA or individual terrorists, and projects aimed at eliminating terror.
“The [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs held a conference in Ramallah yesterday afternoon [Feb. 27, 2018] on the topic of ‘Israeli terror and legislation of racist laws against the Palestinian prisoners in the occupation’s prisons’…
Fatah Movement Central Committee member, [Fatah Commissioner of Mobilization and Organization in the West Bank, and PLO Central Council member] Jamal Muhaisen, Director of [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake, [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club Chairman Qadura Fares, and Arab Israeli Parliament Member Osama Sa’adi spoke at the conference…
Muhaisen said: ‘The Palestinian leadership, led by [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas], is placing the prisoners’ cause at the top of its priorities. The Palestinian leadership and people are proud of their prisoners’ movement. They will always support their rights, defend their struggle in every way, and work for their release and the emptying of the prisons.’
Karake emphasized that the goal that Israel is seeking to attain by recently legislating racist laws against the Palestinian prisoners – with the latest example of this being the bill to deduct great amounts of money from the PA’s tax revenues, at an amount equaling that which is paid to the families of the Martyrs (Shahids) and to the prisoners (see note below –Ed.) - … is first and foremost to define the Palestinian struggle as a crime and denounce it as terror…
Fares said… that through the pressure to stop the allowances (mukhassasat) of the prisoners and Martyrs, the occupation is attempting to create a situation of an obedient Palestinian society that will agree to everything that is forced upon it, on the basis of changing the national values, principles, and outlook of the Palestinian person, in order to ensure obedience to its laws – something that the Palestinian people will never accept.
Sa’adi spoke about the Israeli right-wing extremism in the Israeli Parliament, and about the wave of racist legislation against the Palestinians in general and the prisoners in particular. He noted that no Israeli government has reached such a level of extremism and crime.”
Bill to deduct terror salaries from PA tax money - On Feb. 18, 2018, the Israeli Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill proposed by the Israeli Ministry of Defense that would deduct the amount of money the PA pays imprisoned terrorists and families of "Martyrs" from the tax money Israel collects for the PA. The bill would enable the deducted money to be used for infrastructure benefitting all West Bank residents, compensation awarded to terror victims in lawsuits against the PA or individual terrorists, and projects aimed at eliminating terror.