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Why PMW submitted complaint to police against Palestinian leader Jibril Rajoub

Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirsch  |
Why PMW submitted complaint to police against Palestinian leader Jibril Rajoub

Yesterday, Palestinian Media Watch and members of three families whose loved ones were murdered following Jibril Rajoub's incitement to murder in 2015 and 2016, submitted a formal complaint to the Israeli police against Rajoub.

PMW is taking this unusual step because we believe this is an urgent time for the Israeli government to take action. Neither Rajoub nor the other Palestinian leaders who incited hate and terror which drove the 2015 - 2016 terror wave in which 44 people were murdered, have been arrested or imprisoned for their crimes. As a result, many of the same PA and Fatah leaders are now inciting hate and violence in response to both the original decision of President of the United States to move the American embassy to Jerusalem and the subsequent American announcement that it is opening on May 14. [See numerous examples reported by PMW.]

There is a real danger that Israel's inaction against Palestinian leaders' previous incitement to murder will lead them to conclude that they can again incite murder with impunity, this time over the Jerusalem Embassy opening on May 14, 2018, which could lead to another terror wave.

Palestinian leaders must understand that if they incite violence, terror and murder they will be arrested and imprisoned. This step is fundamental to ensure the deterrence that could very well save lives.

Itamar Marcus
PMW Director
Maurice Hirsch
PMW Head of Legal Strategies 

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