Murderers of Israelis are "sacrificing heroes and torches of freedom that have lit the skies of Palestine," says PLO official
Mother of 5 terrorist sons, among them 2 murderers,
raised "sacrificing heroes and torches of freedom
that have lit the skies of Palestine"
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Reporting on an event honoring Palestinian mothers "of Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded," the official Palestinian Authority daily mentioned in particular the mother of 5 terrorists, among them 2 murderers. Although the paper listed the number of life sentences each is serving, it failed to mention that they are imprisoned for murder of 8 people as well as numerous other terror attacks (see descriptions below):
"Um Yusuf is the mother of Martyr Abd Al-Mun'im, and the mother of four prisoners serving life sentences: Nasser, serving 7 life sentences and an additional 50 years; Nasr, serving 5 life sentences; Sharif, serving 4 life sentences; and Muhammad, serving 2 life sentences and an additional 30 years."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 23, 2018]
This is not the first time the PA has honored this mother of 5 terrorists (also known as Um Hmeid) as a model for Palestinian mothers. In 2011, the PA chose her to launch the PA's statehood campaign with the UN. At the recent event, a senior PLO official praised the mothers of the terrorists as "crowns on our heads" because they have educated their sons to carry out "heroic acts," and raised them to become "sacrificing heroes and torches of freedom that have lit the skies of Palestine":
Nasser Nimr Ayyad, Commissioner of Public Activities in the PLO Political and National Guidance Authority:
"Ayyad expressed his pride in the Palestinian mothers, the mothers of the Martyrs (Shahids), prisoners, and wounded - the same mothers who have held on, suffered patiently, struggled, and given birth to and educated generations of defiance, resolve, and heroic acts, and also the generations of knowledge, excellence, and creativity."
"The commissioner of public activities added that honoring these sacrificing mothers constitutes a message of loyalty to them as part of this day, and also emphasis on the part of the organization and our people in its entirety that we place the mothers of the Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded as crowns on our heads. He also emphasized that the Palestinian mothers, who have brought up their sons on love of the homeland and belonging, are the first who have preserved the national memory and sown the loftiest examples of investment and sacrifice in the hearts of the sons, who have become sacrificing heroes and torches of freedom that have lit the skies of Palestine and praised its name before the entire universe."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 23, 2018]
At a similar event, Director of the Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Issa Karake said that Palestinian women "are the basis for all the acts of heroism and sacrifice":"Palestinian women are mothers, wives, and sisters... they are the basis for all the acts of heroism and sacrifice, and they are the most magnificent of the women of the world in their pure souls that defy all of the barriers, obstacles, and difficulties on the way to the prisons in order to visit their sons, husbands, or fathers for just 45 minutes."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 16, 2018]
PMW has documented that Karake routinely honors terrorist murderers. The following is a longer excerpt of the report highlighting the mother of 5 terrorists as an example, and descriptions of her sons' crimes:
Headline: "The Lod charity organization honored the mothers of the Martyrs and prisoners on Mother's Day"
"Commissioner of Public Activities in the [PLO] Political and National Guidance Authority Nasser Nimr Ayyad expressed his pride in the Palestinian mothers, the mothers of the Martyrs (Shahids), prisoners, and wounded - the same mothers who have held on, suffered patiently, struggled, and given birth to and educated generations of defiance, resolve, and heroic acts, and also the generations of knowledge, excellence, and creativity. This is because they are the ones who are creating the generations and are the main symbol of resolve on the path of the Palestinian people and its struggle to achieve its freedom and independence.
These statements were made during a ceremony held by the national Lod [charity] organization at its headquarters in Ramallah as a sign of honor for the mothers of the Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded for Mother's Day, including Um Yusuf, known as Um Nasser Abu Hmeid (i.e., mother of 5 terrorists, four of them prisoners and one dead), a resident of the Al-Amari refugee camp. Um Yusuf is the mother of Martyr Abd Al-Mun'im (see descriptions of the sons' crimes below -Ed.), and the mother of four prisoners serving life sentences: Nasser, serving 7 life sentences and an additional 50 years; Nasr, serving 5 life sentences; Sharif, serving 4 life sentences; and Muhammad, serving 2 life sentences and an additional 30 years.
The commissioner of public activities added that honoring these sacrificing mothers constitutes a message of loyalty to them as part of this day, and also emphasis on the part of the organization and our people in its entirety that we place the mothers of the Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded as crowns on our heads. He also emphasized that the Palestinian mothers, who have brought up their sons on love of the homeland and belonging, are the first who have preserved the national memory and sown the loftiest examples of investment and sacrifice in the hearts of the sons, who have become sacrificing heroes and torches of freedom that have lit the skies of Palestine and praised its name before the entire universe.
Ayyad concluded his statements by emphasizing before the lauded mothers that their sacrifice will win us a free homeland, and that we will soon hold a tribute celebration for them in the plazas of liberated Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque and in the capital of the free and independent State of Palestine."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 23, 2018]
According to their Facebook page, the Lod organization is a non-governmental organization.Um Nasser Abu Hmeid (Um Yusuf Abu Hmeid/Latifa Abu Hmeid) – Palestinian woman who is famous and admired in the Palestinian Authority for being the mother of 4 terrorist prisoners serving multiple life sentences and another terrorist son whom the PA refers to as a "Martyr." Abu Hmeid is also called Khansa of Palestine, a name that refers to the woman Al-Khansa in the earliest period of Islam who sent her four sons to battle and rejoiced when they all died as Martyrs. Abu Hmeid was honored by the PA in 2010 and in 2015, and was chosen in 2011 to launch the PA’s statehood campaign with the UN.
Her terrorist sons are: Muhammad Abu Hmeid, who is serving 2 life sentences and 30 years for involvement in terror attacks; Nasser Abu Hmeid, who is serving 7 life sentences and 50 years for murdering 7 Israeli civilians and 12 attempted murders; Nasr Abu Hmeid, who is serving 5 life sentences for involvement in two terror attacks in which 4 were murdered and arms dealing; Sharif Abu Hmeid, who is serving 4 life sentences for involvement in terror attacks in which 4 were murdered; Abd Al-Mun'im Muhammad Yusuf Naji Abu Hmeid, who murdered 1 on Feb. 13, 1994, and was killed by Israeli military undercover agents on May 31, 1994.
Headline: "Ramallah: Honoring the mothers of prisoners [serving] life sentences in the occupation's prisons"
"The [PLO] Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners' Affairs and the [PA-funded] Prisoners' Club, in partnership with the Ramallah and El-Bireh district and Fatah Movement branch, yesterday [March 15, 2018] expressed support for the mothers of the Ramallah and El-Bireh district's prisoners who are sitting in the occupation's prisons and have been sentenced to life sentences or heavy sentences, and this was for International Women's Day and Mother's Day.
District Governor of Ramallah [and El-Bireh] Laila Ghannam said that the prisoners' mothers and wives are greater than all of our words and letters during the short remarks she made while introducing [Fatah Central Committee member, Fatah Commissioner of Mobilization and Organization in the West Bank, and PLO Central Council member] Jamal Muhaisen, who spoke on behalf of [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas.
In the speech on behalf of President Mahmoud Abbas, Dr. Jamal Muhaisen expressed his pride in the Palestinian people, and particularly the Palestinian mothers for their resolve and partnership in defying the occupation and its criminal policy...
Fatah Central Committee member [and Fatah Commissioner of NGOs] Dalal Salameh saluted the prisoners' mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters, and noted that this gathering has become an annual tradition in their honor. She also praised the role of Palestinian women, which constitutes support for the process of struggle and is what maintains their families during the absence of their husbands.
Director of [PLO] Commission of Prisoners' [Affairs] Issa Karake said in his speech that Palestinian women are mothers, wives, and sisters, and emphasized that they are the basis for all the acts of heroism and sacrifice, and they are the most magnificent of the women of the world in their pure souls that defy all of the barriers, obstacles, and difficulties on the way to the prisons in order to visit their sons, husbands, or fathers for just 45 minutes.
Karake also noted that this ceremony occurred on the day of the anniversary of the arrest of prisoner leaders Ahmad Sa'adat (i.e., head of PFLP terrorist organization) and Fuad Al-Shubaki (i.e., terrorist, attempted to smuggle 50 tons of weapons), who are among the symbols of the Palestinian people's freedom."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 16, 2018]
Ahmad Sa'adat - serving a 30-year sentence for heading the PFLP terror organization. A song at a PFLP event also praised him for planning the assassination of Israeli Minister of Tourism Rehavam Ze'evi in 2001, but he has not been tried for this crime.Fuad Al-Shubaki - senior PA official serving a 20-year prison term. He was behind the attempt to smuggle 50 tons of illegal weapons to the Palestinian Authority aboard the Karine A weapons' ship in 2002.