PA names plaza after murderer Maher Younes; PA officials: “We’re proud of this great man"
Video from the Al-Salam Channel, a Palestinian internet TV channel, on the inauguration of a plaza in Tulkarem named after terrorist murderer Maher Younes, who kidnapped and murdered Israeli soldier Avraham Bromberg together with an accomplice
Visual: Palestinian scouts walk in a procession as part of the inauguration ceremony in Tulkarem, some are playing music. Those leading the procession are carrying a large sign. In the upper left corner of the sign was the logo of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF), which includes the Palestinian flag and the PA map of "Palestine" that presents all of Israel as "Palestine" together with the PA areas. At the bottom of the sign are pictures of several PPSF prisoners. PMW was unable to ascertain the crimes of these prisoners.

The mother of terrorist Maher Younes cuts the inaugural ribbon of the new plaza. Standing next to her are Tulkarem District Governor Issam Abu Bakr (right), and Tulkarem Mayor Muhammad Yaqub (left). On Yaqub's other side is Younes' sister Nihad Younes.
Tulkarem District Governor Issam Abu Bakr: "This is a great day; Tulkarem is gathering... and writes a new line in this district's book of loyalty... On this day, we are proud of this great man, this fighter, this leader, Maher Younes (i.e., terrorist, murdered 1), and raise our heads because of this man. This man, the cousin of Karim Younes (i.e., his accomplice in the murder) – they have spent over 35 years [in prison] for the Palestinian people, for the Palestinian people’s freedom. We are proud of them, and are honored by the presence of members of this family...
We in Tulkarem, with all our constituents, are proud of you... I particularly thank the Tulkarem Municipality... and give thanks for the efforts invested by [Younes'] sister Nihad, who acted and worked diligently to cause the realization of this site... In all our factions and institutions, in the Fatah Movement and all the Palestinian components, we... will remain loyal to the commitment, in all our universities, and in our [Fatah] Shabiba [Student Movement]... Our word is one, and we stand in a row for the unity of the Palestinian people. These are enormous messages. We will preserve the continuity between us forever, and we will not recognize these borders. You (i.e., Israeli Arabs; Younes is an Israeli Arab) are members of our people, and we are members of your people. You are strong thanks to us, and we are strong thanks to you. We will continue [to be loyal] to the commitment, forever and ever."
Tulkarem Mayor Muhammad Yaqub: "My brothers... The city of Tulkarem is honored to name this plaza after heroic prisoner fighter Maher Younes. The prisoner honors the city of Tulkarem, and not the opposite. The The presence of a plaza named after him is a great honor for us. I say to the prisoner’s mother, and to his sister, that their tears are pearls on the crown of the future Palestinian state, Allah willing. We’ll continue to be committed, and we’ll remain loyal to our heroic prisoners who are the leaders of the future and honor guards of the entire Arab nation." ...
Maher Younes' sister Nihad Younes: "We gather today to honor one of our heroic prisoners behind prison bars for over 36 years, heroic prisoner Maher Younes. Today we honor not only Maher, but every Palestinian prisoner behind bars. They are all brothers, and they have one shared geography, one history, one religion, and one hope: the hope of liberating Palestine, all of Palestine. We say to all the prisoners: Do not fear the jailor, you are stronger than your jailors, by Allah, you who at one time were potential Martyrs (Shahids) and Allah wanted you to be prisoners... We support you and say to you: 'Know that on this land there is that which is worthy of life' (quote from a poem by Mahmoud Darwish -Ed.)... We thank the Tulkarem governor for supporting the prisoners' movement... and say to the prisoners: We are always with you, this is a revolution until victory."

Maher Younes' family presents an honorary plaque to Tulkarem District Governor Issam Abu Bakr.
Text on plaque: "Gratitude and appreciation
From Maj.-Gen. Prisoner Maher Abd Al-Latif Younes
To His Honor Tulkarem District Governor Issam Abu Bakr"
Tulkarem District Governor Issam Abu Bakr: "This day is part of the Palestinian Prisoner's Day activities. On this day we are proud of the long history of the Palestinian people's struggle. Since the beginning of the Zionist project, the Palestinian people has been resisting and struggling for freedom. Today in particular, we [express] loyalty to our brave prisoners behind bars... We in Tulkarem are proud that we bestow honor on fighter Maher Younes. In other districts there are [ceremonies] for other symbols, but today we are at a ceremony for this great man who for 35 years has sacrificed the years of his life for his Palestinian people. We send a greeting to them all, and we anticipate the day when we will meet them in the land of Palestine, for a Palestinian state, and for the honor of the Palestinian people and its future."
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Maher Younes - Israeli Arab serving a 40-year sentence for kidnapping and murdering Israeli soldier Avraham Bromberg in 1980 together with his cousin Karim Younes. Younes was originally sentenced to life in prison, but Israeli President Shimon Peres reduced his sentence in 2012.
Maher and Karim Younes receive a monthly salary from the PA. Since their arrest in January 1983 through May 2018, the PA has paid them a combined total of at least $832,726 (2,887,400 shekels).
Mahmoud Darwish is considered the Palestinian national poet. He published over 30 volumes of poetry and 8 books of prose and has won numerous awards. He joined the Israeli Communist Party in 1961 and the terrorist organization PLO in 1973, becoming a member of the PLO Executive Committee in 1987. He left the PLO in 1993 because it signed the Oslo Accords with Israel.
Many in Israel see his poetry as inciting hate and violence. One poem he wrote in 1988 at the height of the Palestinian wave of violence and terror against Israel in which approximately 200 Israelis were murdered (the first Intifada, 1987-1993) calls to Israelis: “Take your portion of our blood - and be gone… Live wherever you like, but do not live among us… Die wherever you like, but do not die among us… Leave our country, our land, our sea, our wheat, our salt, our wounds, everything, and leave the memories of memory.”
In 1964, he wrote a poem entitled "ID Card" in which he said: "I do not hate people, And I do not steal from anyone, But if I starve I will eat my oppressors' flesh; Beware, beware of my starving, And my rage."
He also wrote “Silence for the Sake of Gaza” in 1973, which many see as glorifying terror: “She wraps explosives around her waist and blows herself up. It is not a death, and not a suicide. It is Gaza's way of declaring she is worthy of life.”
His defenders have claimed that Israel misinterprets his poetry and that he sought reconciliation with Israel. One wrote in 2017: “Darwish arranged meetings between Palestinian and Israeli intellectuals, and published essays on their discussions. He was optimistic that, through mutual understanding, the two sides could eventually reconcile.” []
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