PA and PLO delegation visit family of terrorist serving 2 life sentences
Headline: “Honoring the relatives of prisoner Raed Al-Sa’adi, the most veteran prisoner of the Jenin district”
“A delegation of the [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club, the [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, and the Basmat Khair [Charity] Association honored the relatives of prisoner Raed Al-Sa’adi (i.e., Islamic Jihad terrorist responsible for several lethal attacks), the most veteran prisoner of the Jenin district, as part of the Palestinian Prisoner’s Day activities… Prisoner Al-Sa’adi was supposed to be released as part of the fourth batch of veteran prisoners that the occupation shirked (refers to release of terrorist prisoners planned for early 2014; see note below –Ed.). Al-Sa’adi is serving life, of which he has served 29 years. The delegation gave a plaque of honor and loyalty to the prisoner’s relatives, which was given by the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, the Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, and Basmat Khair.”
In August 2013, Israel agreed to release 104 Palestinian terrorists from prison, which was the PA's precondition for renewing peace talks. The terrorists were released in stages. The first group of 26 was released on Aug. 13, 2013. The second group of 26 was released on Oct. 30, 2013. The third group of 26 was released on Dec. 30, 2013. The fourth group was scheduled to be released on March 29, 2014, but Israel delayed their release while negotiating the terms for continuation of the peace talks. When the PA submitted requests for admission as a state to several international bodies, Israel cancelled the release.
Raed Al-Sa’adi – senior member of the Islamic Jihad terror organization’s military wing. According to Palestinian sources, Al-Sa’adi was arrested by Israel in 1987 and is serving 2 life sentences and an additional 20 years. PMW was unable to verify the details of his crimes.
“A delegation of the [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club, the [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, and the Basmat Khair [Charity] Association honored the relatives of prisoner Raed Al-Sa’adi (i.e., Islamic Jihad terrorist responsible for several lethal attacks), the most veteran prisoner of the Jenin district, as part of the Palestinian Prisoner’s Day activities… Prisoner Al-Sa’adi was supposed to be released as part of the fourth batch of veteran prisoners that the occupation shirked (refers to release of terrorist prisoners planned for early 2014; see note below –Ed.). Al-Sa’adi is serving life, of which he has served 29 years. The delegation gave a plaque of honor and loyalty to the prisoner’s relatives, which was given by the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, the Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, and Basmat Khair.”
In August 2013, Israel agreed to release 104 Palestinian terrorists from prison, which was the PA's precondition for renewing peace talks. The terrorists were released in stages. The first group of 26 was released on Aug. 13, 2013. The second group of 26 was released on Oct. 30, 2013. The third group of 26 was released on Dec. 30, 2013. The fourth group was scheduled to be released on March 29, 2014, but Israel delayed their release while negotiating the terms for continuation of the peace talks. When the PA submitted requests for admission as a state to several international bodies, Israel cancelled the release.
Raed Al-Sa’adi – senior member of the Islamic Jihad terror organization’s military wing. According to Palestinian sources, Al-Sa’adi was arrested by Israel in 1987 and is serving 2 life sentences and an additional 20 years. PMW was unable to verify the details of his crimes.