Fatah names camp for kids after arch-terrorist responsible for murder of 125 Israelis
Fatah names camp for kids after arch-terrorist
responsible for murder of 125 Israelis
- The Martyr Abu Jihad Camp was held at PA National Security Forces facilityh
- PA Ministry of Information: "Abu Jihad, the one of a kind military mind... his heritage will remain... a source of inspiration for our resistance"
- PA Ministry of Education: Radio broadcasts in all PA schools "were dedicated to talking about the life of Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir"
- Fatah: "Those who outlined their path in blood cannot disappear, We are loyal to your path, O heroes"
- Fatah: "Let us continue attacking"
- Fatah: "A people whose leaders are Martyrs will triumph, Allah willing"
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
The Palestinian Authority and Abbas' Fatah continue their terror role modeling, presenting terrorist murderers as heroes to Palestinian youth. This month, 600 high school students belonging to Fatah's Shabiba youth movement in Jenin are participating in the "Martyr Abu Jihad Camp." The camp is held at a facility of the PA National Security Forces:
"The Fatah Movement's Jenin branch, in cooperation with [Fatah's] Jenin region leadership, held the third coexistence camp under the title Martyr Abu Jihad Camp, and this was at the [PA] National Security [Forces] camp Horsh Al-Saada. The camp will last for an entire month, three days a week, and 600 students from the [Fatah] High School Shabiba will participate in it."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 7, 2018]
The PA Ministry of Education emphasized the importance of the terrorist's heritage to students in all PA schools via school radio:"Director-General of Student Activities and Spokesman of the [PA] Ministry [of Education] Sadeq Al-Khadour said that as part of the activities in the schools, broadcasts of the radio stations in the schools were dedicated to talking about the prisoners in the occupation's prisons and the life of Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 18, 2018]
Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir) was a founder of Fatah and deputy to Yasser Arafat. He headed the PLO terror organization's military wing and also planned many deadly Fatah terror attacks in the 1960's - 1980's. These attacks, in which a total of 125 Israelis were murdered, included the most lethal in Israeli history - the hijacking of a bus and murder of 37 civilians, 12 of them children.On the occasion of the anniversary of Abu Jihad's so-called "Martyrdom," the PA, Fatah, and Fatah's Bethlehem branch in particular made a point of glorifying the arch-terrorist as a great heroic Palestinian leader, vowing to remain "loyal" to his "path."
The PA Ministry of Information marked the 30th anniversary of the terrorist's "death as a Martyr," stating that Abu Jihad's legacy would remain "a source of inspiration":
"The [PA] Ministry of Information marked the 30th anniversary of the assassination of... leader Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad'... It said that the death of Abu Jihad, the one of a kind military mind, is a difficult loss for Palestine, but his heritage will remain present in the pages of our history, and will remain a source of inspiration for our resistance."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 16, 2018]
As the anniversary of the death of terrorist Abu Jihad fell on the day before the anniversary of the death of another arch-terrorist, Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi, co-founder of the terror organization Hamas, Fatah also honored them together:
The image shows terrorist Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi (left), and Khalil Al-Wazir - Abu Jihad.
Posted text: "We will not forget your memory"
Text on image: "We will not forget your memory
A people whose leaders are Martyrs (Shahids) will triumph, Allah willing
April 16: The anniversary of the death as a Martyr of Prince of Martyrs Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad'
April 17: The anniversary of the death as a Martyr of the Lion of Palestine Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, April 17, 2018]
At a rally in Ramallah, Deputy Chairman of Fatah and Fatah Central Committee member Mahmoud Al-Aloul stated that Abu Jihad "was and will remain our example and a role model." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 16, 2018]The official PA daily also honored the terrorist, stressing Abu Jihad's call to attack Israelis, and noting attacks and the numbers of victims in some of the attacks he orchestrated:
"Abu Jihad was the architect of the first Intifada of 1987 (i.e., Palestinian wave of violence and terror, 1987-1993), and he outlined its plan in his famous letter from March 27, 1988, whose title is: 'Let us continue attacking; there is no voice that overpowers the voice of the Intifada, there is no voice that overpowers the voice of the PLO.' Israel assassinated Abu Jihad in Tunisia on April 16, 1988...
Among the military operations that Abu Jihad planned:
The Savoy Hotel operation in Tel Aviv and the killing of 10 Israelis in 1975 (sic., 11 murdered); the truck bombing operation in Jerusalem in 1975 (15 murdered -Ed.); the killing of senior sapper Albert Levy and his assistant in Nablus (sic., Jerusalem) in 1976; the Dalal Mughrabi operation in 1978 in which more than 37 Israelis were killed; the bombing of the Eilat port in 1979 (sic., 1978); and the bombarding of the northern settlements (i.e., towns in northern Israel) with Katyusha rockets in 1981."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 16, 2018, emphasis added]
The large number of Facebook posts honoring terrorist Abu Jihad is a good indicator of the PA - Fatah's ongoing refusal to distance itself from terror: 
Posted text:
"You are an idea and revolution within us
Those who outlined their path in blood cannot disappear
We are loyal to your path, O heroes
The cowards have not closed their eyes"
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement - Bethlehem Branch, Feb. 22, 2018]
One post encouraged more attacks:
Text on image: "A message from brother Abu Jihad:
'Let us continue attacking'"
Posted text: "Let us continue attacking"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, April 16, 2018]

Text on image: "The 30th anniversary of the death as a Martyr (Shahid) of Prince of Martyrs Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad'
The First Bullet, the First Stone"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, April 15, 2018]
The image shows two pictures of Abu Jihad above a picture of armed Palestinians shooting rifles and a young Palestinian throwing a rock.
Posted text: "The anniversary is approaching
Prince of Martyrs Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad'"
Text on image: "The minister (i.e., "Al-Wazir" in Arabic), the prince, the roaring lion
The First Bullet and the First Stone
Abu Jihad"
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement - Bethlehem Branch, April 2, 2018]
The image shows Abu Jihad, and in the upper left corner the Fatah logo that includes a grenade, crossed rifles, and the PA map of "Palestine" that presents all of Israel as "Palestine" together with the PA areas.
Posted text: "The Elder and Al-Wazir"
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement - Bethlehem Branch, March 22, 2018]
The picture shows former PLO and PA Chairman Yasser Arafat who is known among Palestinians as "the Elder" (left) and Abu Jihad standing in front of rockets.
Posted text: "The anniversary draws near"
Text at top left of image:
"The Palestinian National Liberation Movement 'Fatah'
Mobilization and Organization Commission
Information Bureau"
Text at left side of image:
"April 16, 1988
The anniversary draws near"
Text at bottom of image:
"Abu Jihad
Khalil Al-Wazir"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, April 8, 2018]

Posted text: "The Elder and Al-Wazir - the homeland misses you"
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement - Bethlehem Branch, Feb. 22, 2018]
Fatah's youth movement Shabiba also honored terrorists Abu Jihad and Rantisi together, posting a photo of Rantisi:
Picture: terrorist Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi, co-founder of Hamas
Posted text: "Between rebel Martyr Abu Jihad with the 70 bullets in his body, and resistance fighter [Abd Al-Aziz] Al-Rantisi who chose the Apache (i.e., the military helicopter that killed him) over a natural death, there is an idea of ongoing revolution that the generations are keeping alive and well.
Commander Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi on the 14th anniversary of his death as a Martyr
The [Fatah] Shabiba [Student Movement] of Birzeit [University]"
[Facebook page of the Fatah Shabiba Student Movement at Birzeit University, April 17, 2018]
Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi, a co-founder of Hamas was responsible for many murderous terror attacks against Israel and kidnappings. Al-Rantisi was killed by missiles shot at his car from an Israeli Air Force helicopter, on April 17, 2004.The following are longer excerpts of the statements and reports above:
Headline: "The Fatah Jenin branch opens the High School Shabiba coexistence camp"
"The Fatah Movement's Jenin branch, in cooperation with [Fatah's] Jenin region leadership, held the third coexistence camp under the title Martyr Abu Jihad Camp (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 125), and this was at the [PA] National Security [Forces] camp Horsh Al-Saada.
The camp will last for an entire month, three days a week, and 600 students from the [Fatah] High School Shabiba will participate in it...
Deputy Director of the Horsh [Al-Saada] Camp Ramzi Abu Shammah explained about the camp and the social services that it provides as part of the policy of involvement and coexistence with all the components and sectors of our society, so that they will take part in building the state's institutions."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 7, 2018]
Headline: "The [PA] Ministry of Education marked Prisoner's Day and the anniversary of Abu Jihad's death as a Martyr"
"The [PA] Ministry of Education and Higher Education marked Palestinian Prisoner's Day events and the [30th] anniversary of the death as a Martyr (Shahid) of commander Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 125) yesterday [April 17, 2018] in all of its schools.
Director-General of Student Activities and Spokesman of the [PA] Ministry [of Education] Sadeq Al-Khadour said that as part of the activities in the schools, broadcasts of the radio stations in the schools were dedicated to talking about the prisoners in the occupation's prisons and the life of Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 18, 2018]
Headline: "Marking the 16th anniversary of Fatah Central Committee member Marwan Barghouti's arrest in Ramallah"
"The popular campaign to release leader Marwan Barghouti (i.e., terrorist who orchestrated three shooting attacks in which 5 were murdered) and the rest of the prisoners sitting in the occupation's prison marked the 16th anniversary of Fatah Central Committee member Marwan Barghouti's arrest yesterday [April 15, 2018] at a rally held at the Palace of Culture in Ramallah, with the participation of hundreds of members of our people.
Fatah Movement Deputy General Leader (i.e., Deputy Chairman) and [Fatah] Central Committee member Mahmoud Al-Aloul blessed prisoner Marwan Barghouti. He noted: 'On the anniversary of Fatah Central Committee member Marwan Barghouti's kidnapping, (i.e., terrorist who was arrested and imprisoned for orchestrating attacks in which 5 were murdered) we salute him and all the prisoners of freedom for their day - Prisoner's Day that will take place in two days - since they are a symbol of our pride, and they are in the hearts of all our people.' ...
He added: 'The anniversary of Marwan Barghouti's kidnapping takes place at the same time as the anniversary of the death as a Martyr (Shahid) of leader Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 125)... Khalil Al-Wazir was and will remain our example and a role model. The anniversary of leader Barghouti's kidnapping takes place at the same time as Palestinian Prisoner's Day, and they are the group that has sacrificed that which is more precious than life - freedom.' ...
He emphasized that the leadership opposes all of the external pressures concerning the prisoners, which [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas emphasized: 'If we will only be left with a few Dirhams (i.e., a currency in some Arab states), we will allocate them to the families of the prisoners as a sign of appreciation for their sacrifice.' Al-Aloul said: 'President Abbas will continue to adhere to our people's principles, and when talking about Jerusalem and the state, there is no room for flexibility as this is Jerusalem for which no one can make a concession... and therefore we see that there is a firm stance facing this American attack on Jerusalem and the members of our people.'
He emphasized: 'Our main enemy is the Israeli occupation and the American policy that supports it, and therefore we must be careful and unified in order to deal with these great challenges, and this is by arranging our internal matters in a precise manner, as leader Barghouti noted in his message to us today.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 16, 2018]
Marwan Barghouti - Palestinian terrorist who is serving 5 life sentences for orchestrating three shooting attacks that murdered 5 people: one attack in Jerusalem (June 12, 2001) in which Greek monk Tsibouktsakis Germanus was murdered by terrorist Ismail Radaida and another unidentified terrorist, another attack at a gas station in Givat Zeev near Jerusalem (Jan. 15, 2002) in which Yoela Hen, 45, was murdered by terrorists led by Mohammed Matla, and one shooting and stabbing attack at the Seafood Market restaurant in Tel Aviv (March 5, 2002) in which Eli Dahan, 53, Yosef Habi, 52, and Police Officer Sergeant-Major Salim Barakat, 33, were murdered by terrorist Ibrahim Hasouna. When arrested by Israel in 2002, Barghouti headed the Tanzim (Fatah terror faction). After he was convicted and imprisoned, he was re-elected member of the Palestinian Authority parliament. On Dec. 4, 2016, he was elected to Fatah's Central Committee.Headline: "30 years since the assassination of Prince of Martyrs Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad'"
"Today, Monday, April 16 [2018], is the 30th anniversary of the assassination of Prince of Martyrs (Shahids) Khalil Al-Wazir 'Abu Jihad' (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 125).
Abu Jihad was the architect of the first Intifada of 1987 (i.e., Palestinian wave of violence and terror against Israel, 1987-1993), and he outlined its plan in his famous letter from March 27, 1988, whose title is: 'Let us continue attacking; there is no voice that overpowers the voice of the Intifada, there is no voice that overpowers the voice of the PLO.'
Israel assassinated Abu Jihad in Tunisia early in the morning of April 16, 1988...
Among the military operations that Abu Jihad planned:
The Savoy Hotel operation in Tel Aviv and the killing of 10 Israelis in 1975 (sic., terror attack in which 11 were murdered); the truck bombing operation in Jerusalem in 1975 (15 murdered -Ed.); the killing of most senior sapper Albert Levy and his assistant in Nablus (sic., Jerusalem) in 1976; the Dalal Mughrabi operation in 1978 in which more than 37 Israelis were killed (i.e., the Coastal Road massacre, 37 murdered, 12 of them children); the bombing of the Eilat port in 1979 (sic., 1978); and the bombarding of the northern settlements (i.e., northern Israel) with Katyusha rockets in 1981.
Israel holds Martyr [Abu Jihad] responsible for the capture of 8 Israeli soldiers in Lebanon and their exchange for 5,000 Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners and 100 of the prisoners of the occupied land (i.e., Israel) in 1982 (sic., 4,700 prisoners were released from Lebanon and 65 from Israel), for the planning of the infiltration of the Israeli military government building in Tyre, [Lebanon,] and blowing it up (91 were killed, it is unclear if the explosion was caused by a gas leak or car bomb -Ed.), and for the Dimona reactor operation in 1988 (i.e., the Mothers' Bus attack, 3 murdered)."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 16, 2018]
Savoy terror attack: In March 1975, eight terrorists traveled by boat from Lebanon to a Tel Aviv beach. They took over the Savoy Hotel and took guests as hostages. The next morning, while Israeli forces tried to free the hostages, the terrorists murdered 8 hostages and 3 soldiers. Seven of the terrorists were killed.Attack with truck bomb (sometimes called the refrigerator bombing): Attack in Jerusalem in 1975 with a truck carrying a refrigerator filled with explosives. 15 people were murdered and 77 wounded. The attack was orchestrated by Arafat's advisor and Fatah Revolutionary Council member Ahmad Jabarah Abu Sukkar.
Albert Levy was an Israeli police sapper. He was called to dismantle an explosive device on B'nai Brith Street in Jerusalem on April 28, 1976, along with Israeli police officer Shmuel Schiff. The device, which was booby trapped, exploded, and Levy and Schiff were murdered.
Coastal Road Massacre - In March 1978, a group of Fatah terrorists from Lebanon led by Dalal Mughrabi hijacked a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway. Confronted by the Israeli army, the terrorists murdered many of the passengers on the bus, in total 37 civilians, 12 of them children, and wounded more than 70. The attack, orchestrated by arch-terrorist Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir), is known in Israel as the Coastal Road Massacre.
Eilat 1978 foiled attack - A Fatah ship carrying explosives, the Agios Dmitros, was seized by the Israeli army near Eilat on Sept. 30, 1978. The ship, which was carrying half a ton of explosives and 45 rockets ready for launch, was intended to explode near the Eilat beach, which was full of vacationers at the time.
Attack on "the northern settlements": From 1978 to 1981, the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) continuously fired rockets from Lebanon at Northern Israel, after the UN and the South Lebanon Army created a buffer zone between Israel and Lebanon that stopped terrorists' infiltrations into Israel.
The capture of 8 Israeli soldiers in Lebanon - On Sept. 4, 1982, 8 Israeli soldiers were captured by Fatah terrorists in Bhamadoun, Lebanon. Two of them were handed to the PFLP and 6 were held by Fatah. Fatah released the 6 soldiers on Nov. 23, 1983 as part of an exchange deal in which Israel released 4,700 terrorists that were held in Lebanon and 65 terrorists held in Israel.
Explosion in the Israeli military headquarters building in Tyre - On Nov.11, 1982, during the first Lebanon War, an explosion occurred in the Israeli military headquarters building and led to the death of 91 people, among whom were Israeli soldiers, Israeli Security Services staff, Israeli Border Policemen and Lebanese detainees. It has not been determined whether the explosion resulted from a gas leak or a car bomb.
Mothers' Bus attack - On March 7, 1988, Muhammad Abd Al-Qader Muhammad Issa, Muhammad Khalil Saleh Al-Khanafi, and Abdallah Abd Al-Majid Muhammad Kallab hijacked a bus carrying workers to the Negev Nuclear Research Center in Dimona, and murdered 3 of its passengers - Miriam Ben-Yair, Rina Shiratky and Victor Ram. The attack is referred to as the Mothers' Bus attack because many of the passengers were working mothers. The terrorists were all killed by an Israel Police counter-terrorism unit that stormed the bus.