PA TV hits back at PMW: “An extremist Zionist NGO with teams that work around the clock… [and] runs propaganda campaigns against the Palestinian leadership”
Official PA TV program Israeli Media in the Spotlight, commentary on PMW after showing interview on Israeli Channel 20 with PMW Director Itamar Marcus, PMW legal advisor Maurice Hirsch, and a PMW translator. Aired on July 7 and July 9, 2018
Official PA TV host: “Channel 20 newsreader: “After things came full circle and [Israeli] Duvdevan unit soldiers arrested the terrorist who murdered their comrade Staff Sergeant Ronen Lyubarsky, may his memory be a blessing, the research institute that monitors Palestinian incitement reveals that his family is continuing to incite against Israel. More about the institute that is trying to stop the incitement in a report by Assaf Gibor. They [PMW staff] even watch cooking programs on PA TV, and monitor everything that is published in the Palestinian newspapers. They are former intelligence officers in the occupation army who work at the Palestinian Media Watch center. This is an extremist Zionist NGO with teams that work around the clock in order to monitor the Palestinian media outlets, and is located in occupied Jerusalem. In fact, this organization runs propaganda campaigns against the Palestinian leadership. The Zionist organization receives funding from bodies that are affiliated with the Israeli right. It defines itself as an Israeli research institute that broadly researches Palestinian society by monitoring and analyzing the Palestinian media outlets and school books. The following translated report [from Israeli TV] will show the work method of this organization, which strives to defame the Palestinians.”
Israeli Channel 20 reporter: “In their office in Jerusalem they are waging the battle against the PA’s incitement. The Palestinian Media Watch staff has received new information today about the PA’s aid to the family of the terrorist who murdered [Israeli soldier] Ronen Lyubarsky, a soldier of the Duvdevan unit who was murdered while in action adjacent to Ramallah.”
PMW Director Itamar Marcus: “Ronen Lyubarsky’s murderer is from the Abu Hmeid family. He is one of 10 sons, and all of them have been in prison. This family has received millions of shekels from the PA, and each month they are receiving tens of thousands of shekels in salaries.”
Israeli Channel 20 reporter: “The work day starts with reading the PA’s newspapers. Then the institute’s researchers move on to searching through Facebook and Twitter pages, and watching the Palestinian TV’s programs – all in order to find another incitement video, a school named after a terrorist, or study material that encourages terror attacks and reveals the PA’s true face.”
PMW translation of Fatah official Jibril Rajoub: “These are individual acts of bravery, and I am proud of them. I am proud of them. I congratulate everyone who carried them out. I say to you, we are proud of you.
PMW Director Itamar Marcus: “We submitted a complaint to the police against Jibril Rajoub three months ago, as we believe that for many years there has been a serious mistake in the way terror is fought, in that we have only been punishing the terrorists themselves, or those who directly sent them, but not the leaders, who have encouraged terrorism, directed terrorism, and in fact lauded terrorism.”
Israeli Channel 20 reporter: “The Palestinian Media Watch research institute has existed for 21 years. Most of the employees are former Israeli military intelligence members or were born in Arab countries... Due to concerns for their security some of them cannot be filmed, and the institute’s sign at the entrance was also taken down due to threats and security warnings.”
PMW employee: “We watch the morning programs, news, children’s programs, even cooking programs. We watch all of the TV because anything could pop up even in an insignificant program.”
Israeli Channel 20 reporter: “Among the battles the institute is leading is stopping the payment of salaries to terrorists. The institute’s exposés on the topic have led to an international uproar...”
PMW Head of Legal Strategies Maurice Hirsch: “We are the organization that first exposed the PA’s policy of paying salaries to terrorists. Today we are continuing the battle against this practice, working with both the international community in parliaments around the world, and in the Israeli Parliament.”
Israeli Channel 20 reporter: “The research institute cooperates with members of parliaments around the world, who are supplied with the materials needed to defend Israel, and to prove who is the real obstacle to peace.”
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