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Fatah TV: Israel using drugs to rid Jerusalem of Palestinians

Al-Falastinia TV (PA)  |

A Fatah TV Program, entitled "Eye on Jerusalem," aired an episode on drug use, reiterating the libel that Israel spreads drug use among Palestinians to destroy the population. The program repeats the claim that Israel bribes Palestinians to continue their drug use, offering 3,500 NIS per addict. In 2003, the claimed amount was 4,500 NIS. 

Adnan Al-Husseini, Jerusalem District Governor: 
"In order for this land to be empty for them [Israel], as they want it, there comes the stage of causing people's downfall by means of drugs and by means of various other methods…"

Host: "What is happening in Jerusalem is a Judaization of the stones and of the population. In order to assure the continued drug use of the [Palestinian] Jerusalemite, the relevant Israeli offices pay an unemployment allowance, amounting to 3,500 NIS per addict. Every addict is tested every year, and if the tests show that he has recovered, they stop his allowance. This represents strong motivation for an addict to continue using drugs."

Hatem Abd Al-Qader, MP and senior Fatah leader, holds Jerusalem portfolio:
     "This is a message from Israel to the addict that he must remain addicted in order to continue receiving the allowance. If he is tested and found not to be addicted, he loses his allowance. Therefore, this is a new Israeli policy to continue addictions rather than treating addicts."

Host: "This Israeli project is meant to trap the Jerusalem youth in the occupation's nets. They [Israel] are trying to turn them [Palestinian Jerusalem youth] into tools that will serve the Israeli project in Jerusalem. With full objectivity, the occupation has succeeded in achieving its aim of striking at [Palestinian] Jerusalem society using drugs. The occupation has sufficient tools, means and research to disseminate its poisons amongst Jerusalem society."

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