Israeli minister Miri Regev “is the dog who speaks for Netanyahu, and barks at the Arabs” says PA TV host
Official PA TV program Israel Parenthetically, on the possibility of approaching Israeli elections, with PA TV “Israeli affairs expert” Fayez Abbas
PA TV “Israeli affairs expert” Fayez Abbas: “[Israeli Minister of Culture and Sports] Miri Regev is the dog who speaks on behalf of [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, who barks at the Arabs-”
Official PA TV host: “The Israeli minister of culture.”
Fayez Abbas: “And sports. She said that it is a strange and surprising or very foolish matter, the cooperation between the [Israeli] left and the [Israeli] Arabs [in protesting the Jewish Nation-State Law].”
Jewish Nation-State Law – law passed by the Israeli Parliament on July 19, 2018, which codifies in Israel's Basic Law that Israel is the home of the Jewish nation with Jerusalem its capital, and the Hebrew calendar its official calendar. It establishes Hebrew as the sole official language and grants Arabic a special status, and it recognizes Jewish and Israeli holidays, memorial days, and the Jewish Sabbath as national holidays and days of rest - while guaranteeing the right of all Israeli citizens and residents to celebrate their holidays and days of rest.
PA TV “Israeli affairs expert” Fayez Abbas: “[Israeli Minister of Culture and Sports] Miri Regev is the dog who speaks on behalf of [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, who barks at the Arabs-”
Official PA TV host: “The Israeli minister of culture.”
Fayez Abbas: “And sports. She said that it is a strange and surprising or very foolish matter, the cooperation between the [Israeli] left and the [Israeli] Arabs [in protesting the Jewish Nation-State Law].”
Jewish Nation-State Law – law passed by the Israeli Parliament on July 19, 2018, which codifies in Israel's Basic Law that Israel is the home of the Jewish nation with Jerusalem its capital, and the Hebrew calendar its official calendar. It establishes Hebrew as the sole official language and grants Arabic a special status, and it recognizes Jewish and Israeli holidays, memorial days, and the Jewish Sabbath as national holidays and days of rest - while guaranteeing the right of all Israeli citizens and residents to celebrate their holidays and days of rest.