Fatah Facebook page glorifies terrorist stabber as a “Martyr”

Image and text posted on the official Fatah Facebook page
Posted text: “The third anniversary of the death as a Martyr (Shahid) of Fadi Alloun (i.e., terrorist, wounded 1)
Glory and eternal life to our righteous Martyrs”
The image shows two pictures of terrorist Fadi Alloun.
Text on image: “The third anniversary of the death as a Martyr of Fadi Alloun”
Fadi Alloun - 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist who stabbed and injured Israeli citizen Moshe Malka (15) near the Old City of Jerusalem on Oct. 3, 2015. Alloun fled and was shot and killed by Israeli police. Before his attack, Alloun had written on his Facebook page: “Oh Allah, my goal is Martyrdom-death (Shahada) or victory for Allah… Allah is great.”