El-Bireh Municipality Public Library and Palestinian Writers' Union hold event honoring 4 terrorists, 3 of them murderers
Headline: “The general Palestinian Writers’ Union and the El-Bireh Library held an evening entitled ‘In the Presence of the Martyrs’”
“The general Palestinian Writers’ Union, in partnership with the El-Bireh Municipality Public Library and the Al-Quds Center for Legal Aid, held a cultural evening yesterday [Nov. 1, 2018] at the municipal theater, entitled ‘In the Presence of the Martyrs (Shahids).’ During the event, the book ‘The Radiance (“Baha” in Arabic –Ed.) Remains Within Us and With Us’ was launched, and this was in the presence of attorney Muhammad Alyan, the father of Martyr Baha [Alyan] (i.e., terrorist, murdered 3 together with an accomplice); Shifa Hamdan, the wife of Martyr Imad Awadallah (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 4); and Azhar Abu Sorour, the mother of Martyr Abd Al-Hamid Abu Sorour (i.e., suicide bomber, wounded 21).”
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The article includes a picture from the event showing the relatives of the terrorists on stage and behind them a large poster featuring from left to right the faces of terrorist murderers Imad Awadallah, Dalal Mughrabi (who in 1978 led the murder of 37, 12 of them children), Abd Al-Hamid Abu Sorour, and Baha Alyan.

Text on poster: “The El-Bireh Municipality and the General Palestinian Writers’ Union welcome the male and female participants in the evening of culture ‘In the Presence of the Martyrs’
and the launch of the book ‘The Radiance Remains Within Us and With Us’
Oct. 31, 2018
Baha Alyan and Bilal Ghanem – 22 and 23-year-old Palestinian terrorists who on Oct. 13, 2015, boarded a bus in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood with a gun and a knife and attacked passengers, murdering Israelis Chaim Haviv (78) and Alon Govberg (51), and Richard Lakin (76), and wounding 3 Israelis. Alyan was shot and killed by an Israeli security guard at the scene and Ghanem, a Hamas terrorist who served time in Israeli prison in 2013-2014, was wounded. Ghanem is serving 3 life sentences and an additional 60 years for these murders.
Imad and Adel Awadallah – Palestinian terrorists and senior Hamas officials who were responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Israeli soldier Sharon Edri on Sept. 9, 1996, and for the Apropo Café suicide bombing in Tel Aviv on March 21, 1997, in which 3 were murdered and 48 wounded. They were killed in a confrontation with the Israeli army in September 1998.
Abd Al-Hamid Abu Sorour – 19-year-old Hamas terrorist who on April 18, 2016, carried out a suicide bombing attack on bus no. 12 in the Talpiot neighborhood in southeast Jerusalem. 21 people were injured in the attack. Abu Sorour died of his injuries a few days later in an Israeli hospital.
Dalal Mughrabi led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, known as the Coastal Road massacre, in 1978, when she and other Fatah terrorists hijacked a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway, murdering 37 civilians, 12 of them children, and wounding over 70.
“The general Palestinian Writers’ Union, in partnership with the El-Bireh Municipality Public Library and the Al-Quds Center for Legal Aid, held a cultural evening yesterday [Nov. 1, 2018] at the municipal theater, entitled ‘In the Presence of the Martyrs (Shahids).’ During the event, the book ‘The Radiance (“Baha” in Arabic –Ed.) Remains Within Us and With Us’ was launched, and this was in the presence of attorney Muhammad Alyan, the father of Martyr Baha [Alyan] (i.e., terrorist, murdered 3 together with an accomplice); Shifa Hamdan, the wife of Martyr Imad Awadallah (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 4); and Azhar Abu Sorour, the mother of Martyr Abd Al-Hamid Abu Sorour (i.e., suicide bomber, wounded 21).”
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The article includes a picture from the event showing the relatives of the terrorists on stage and behind them a large poster featuring from left to right the faces of terrorist murderers Imad Awadallah, Dalal Mughrabi (who in 1978 led the murder of 37, 12 of them children), Abd Al-Hamid Abu Sorour, and Baha Alyan.

Text on poster: “The El-Bireh Municipality and the General Palestinian Writers’ Union welcome the male and female participants in the evening of culture ‘In the Presence of the Martyrs’
and the launch of the book ‘The Radiance Remains Within Us and With Us’
Oct. 31, 2018
Baha Alyan and Bilal Ghanem – 22 and 23-year-old Palestinian terrorists who on Oct. 13, 2015, boarded a bus in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood with a gun and a knife and attacked passengers, murdering Israelis Chaim Haviv (78) and Alon Govberg (51), and Richard Lakin (76), and wounding 3 Israelis. Alyan was shot and killed by an Israeli security guard at the scene and Ghanem, a Hamas terrorist who served time in Israeli prison in 2013-2014, was wounded. Ghanem is serving 3 life sentences and an additional 60 years for these murders.
Imad and Adel Awadallah – Palestinian terrorists and senior Hamas officials who were responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Israeli soldier Sharon Edri on Sept. 9, 1996, and for the Apropo Café suicide bombing in Tel Aviv on March 21, 1997, in which 3 were murdered and 48 wounded. They were killed in a confrontation with the Israeli army in September 1998.
Abd Al-Hamid Abu Sorour – 19-year-old Hamas terrorist who on April 18, 2016, carried out a suicide bombing attack on bus no. 12 in the Talpiot neighborhood in southeast Jerusalem. 21 people were injured in the attack. Abu Sorour died of his injuries a few days later in an Israeli hospital.
Dalal Mughrabi led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, known as the Coastal Road massacre, in 1978, when she and other Fatah terrorists hijacked a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway, murdering 37 civilians, 12 of them children, and wounding over 70.
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