On Universal Children's Day - look what the PA teaches its children!
On the occasion of Universal Children's Day
- look at what the PA teaches its children!
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
On the occasion of Universal Children's Day - here's a taste of what the Palestinian Authority teaches Palestinian children. For over two decades, Palestinian Media Watch has exposed the PA's abuse of its own children with indoctrinating messages, teaching them that
- Jews are "the most evil among creations," and Israel is "the enemy," Jews are "Allah's enemy" and "Zion is Satan with a tail"
- Terrorist murderers of Jews/Israelis are heroes, and terrorist "Martyrs" are role models
- Israel doesn't have a right to exist
Today, November 20th, is known as Universal Children's Day because it is the day the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959) and the Convention of the Rights of the Child (1989). The PA joined the UN's Convention of the Rights of the Child in 2014.
Coinciding with Universal Children's Day, PMW Director Itamar Marcus will be addressing Canadian MPs today, showing them that the PA is bringing up Palestinian children in a toxic environment in which they are constantly exposed to messages cultivating hate and encouraging terror.
Having reviewed PA school books and broadcasts on official PA TV, then Senator Hillary Clinton stated in 2007 that the PA "profoundly poisons the minds of these children."
Unfortunately, this is still true today.
The PA and Fatah leadership is abusing Palestinian children by presenting terrorists as heroes, "Martyrs" as role models, and glorifying the murder of Jews and Israelis. Sports tournaments, names of schools, school books, cultural events, and even music videos glorify terrorist murderers and urge Palestinian youth to aspire to kill and be killed.
Jews are presented as lowly, wicked creatures, and Israel is "the enemy," and "Satan with a tail."
Israel has no right to exist in any borders, and the PA teaches kids to see all of Israel in addition to the PA areas as "Palestine" - A "Palestine" they will "liberate" and "return to," and which will "return" to them in its entirety.
The following are examples of these poisonous PA messages to children:
Jews are "the most evil among creations," and Israel is "the enemy" and "Satan's project"
The PA teaches children to see Jews as mean, impure creatures, who descend from "apes and pigs." The following video shows a girl on a PA TV children's program reciting a poem that presents Jews as "the most evil among creations":
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Girl: "Oh, you who murdered Allah's pious prophets (i.e., Jews in Islamic tradition)
Oh, you who were brought up on spilling blood
Oh Sons of Zion, oh most evil among creations
Oh barbaric monkeys
Jerusalem opposes your throngs
Jerusalem vomits from within it your impurity
Because Jerusalem, you impure ones, is pious, immaculate
And Jerusalem, you who are filth, is clean and pure..."
PA TV host: "Bravo! Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Palestine, we will never forget it."
[Official PA TV, May 29, 2015]
Even younger girls have recited this poem too. Echoing this, a preacher taught in a sermon televised on PA TV that Hitler was sent by Allah to punish the Jews for their evil behavior.
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"They didn't learn from what Hitler did to them, and the kings of Europe, and Spain - they didn't learn. They have continued to behave the same way: The mentality of arrogance toward other people. The mentality of superiority over other people. The mentality of seclusion, the mentality of settlement. This mentality, an ideology of planning and systematically working to incite wars and strife in the entire world. Those [Jews] have not learned from the events of history."
[Official PA TV, Oct. 19, 2018]
PA TV has also had several kids recite the following poem teaching that "Zion is Satan with a tail": ![]() | ![]() |
Similarly, both PA TV and the Fatah-run Awdah TV broadcast a cartoon teaching children that Jews do the work on earth for "the satans":
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On the adult level, this message has been driven home many times by PA Chairman Abbas' advisor on religious Affairs, Mahmoud Al-Habbash. He recently taught in a televised sermon that Islam's religious war to destroy Israel has started. On another occasion, he taught that the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is "between Allah's project vs. Satan's project":
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Terrorist murderers of Jews/Israelis are "heroes," terrorist "Martyrs" are role models
The PA has named 32 schools after terrorist murderers. One of them is Dalal Mughrabi who led a group of terrorists who hijacked a bus with Israeli civilians in 1978 and murdered 37 of them, including 12 children. The PA has not only named 6 schools after her, but specifically teaches fifth-graders to aspire to be like her in an official PA schoolbook currently in use. The book features murderer Mughrabi on a list of "heroes" - "the best of the best" - and teaches that "every one of us wishes to be like them."
Another terrorist role model is 13-year-old Ahmad Manasrah who stabbed and almost killed a 13-year-old Israeli boy. Manasrah had a school football tournament named after him, in which many PA schools participated. Such a tournament gives Palestinian children of the same age as the terrorist a clear idea of who their role model should be and who they should imitate.
The PA also uses a terrorist murderer to promote reading to young Palestinians. "Martyr" Baha Alyan who was killed while murdering three Israeli civilians on a bus has had reading events named after him at Palestinian universities, and has been honored at a library event and at a scouts course.
In a music video, PA TV highlighted as role models two female suicide bombers, and promoted death as a Martyr for Al-Aqsa: "God, grant us Martyrdom... A million grooms and brides... have written the marriage contract in blood":
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Lyrics: "Al-Aqsa has called, and its call is precious
For its sake, life is insignificant, even if it's precious...
God, grant us Martyrdom there
God, promise us, we beg of you...
A million grooms and brides at the celebration
Have written the marriage contract in blood on the veil"
Visual: Suicide bomber Wafa Idris - She blew herself up in Jerusalem, killing 1 and wounding over 100
Lyrics: "A million grooms and brides at the celebration
Have written the marriage contract in blood on the veil"
Visual: Suicide bomber Ayyat Al-Akhras - She blew herself up in Jerusalem, killing 2 and wounding 28
Lyrics: "Filled with desire, they are going to the Paradise of immortals
To a wedding procession with angels that fill Palestine with light."
[Official PA TV, Dec. 11, 17 and 19, 2017;
Jan. 8, 10, 20, and Nov. 2, 2018]
The girl in the following PA TV children's show summarizes the PA message to kids that they should aim to kill and be killed. She says: "Shoot, shoot, in the name of God. The path of the Martyrs is above all": ![]() | ![]() |
Girl: "O Palestinian carrying a rifle: Shoot, shoot, in the name of God. Shoot, shoot, in the name of God. The path of the Martyrs is above all. They have sacrificed the most precious of all so that we will see the oppressor retreating..."
PA TV host: "Bravo, thank you very much."
[Official PA TV, The Best Home, April 28, 2017]
Another girl explained the value of dying as a "Martyr" for Allah - to an audience full of children on the same children's show on official PA TV: ![]() | ![]() |
"A Martyr (Shahid) is a person who has sacrificed his life in order to elevate the Word of Allah. A person becomes a Martyr when he defends his homeland or honor, or fights those who don't believe in Allah Almighty. Martyrdom-death (Shahada) is a high and supreme level, according to Allah."
[Official PA TV, The Best Home, March 24, 2017]
Similarly, the official PA news agency WAFA lauded dead teenage terrorists for achieving "Martyrdom" ("Shahada") rather than graduating with a matriculation exam certificate (also in Arabic "Shahada"). Instead of criticizing or even lamenting the loss of life and a future, WAFA praised the dead teenage terrorists' choices that lead to death: "The families of the Martyrs (Shahids) and their relatives find themselves proud of the Martyrdom (Shahada, a play on words, also means "certificate") that their children achieved with the Creator and in the homeland... Sixteen [students] succeeded [in achieving] the Martyrdom (Shahada) of the homeland and withstanding its difficult tests, for death as a Martyr is the path to excellence and greatness, and the path of those who know how to reach the great victory..."
[WAFA (official PA news agency), July 11, 2016;
official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 12, 2016]
Israel doesn't have a right to existAn integral part of the PA's messages to Palestinians and specifically to kids is that Israel doesn't have a right to exist in any borders. Palestinian kids are never taught to envision a two-state-solution or an Israeli state on the 1967 borders, as the PA professes to want when it speaks with the international community. Instead, Palestinian children are repeatedly taught that they will "return" to "all of Palestine." This message is fundamental to PA ideology and appears prominently in the PA schoolbooks. The following map is taught to Palestinian seventh-graders to represent the "geographical area" of "the state of Palestine":

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Even crossword puzzles are used by the PA to teach Palestinians that all of Israel is "occupied" territory. In this crossword, the Israeli coastal city of Haifa is said to be "a port in occupied Palestine":