Fatah “prays for the souls” of 2 murderers
Fatah “prays for the souls” of 2 murderers
- “The heroes of the homeland”
- Murderer of baby is “Martyr” who “whispered to the land: ‘I’ll give you the most precious thing I have - my blood and my soul’”
- Murderer of two Israeli co-workers is “the legend,” “heroic,” and “a Martyr”
- "The heroic Martyrs of the homeland are sketching the map of the homeland with their pure blood... Eternity and glory to you... [The winds] spread a scent... similar to the scent of musk - and it is not surprising, for on that ground is a Martyr who was killed for his Lord and his land. His pure soul went out to the Lord of Heaven and earth... These are the Martyrs of Palestine. They live today with their Lord”
k - On poster with splashes of blood and images of the two murderers: “Eternity and praise to our righteous Martyrs,” “In Paradise, the meeting place”
by Nan Jacques Zilberdik
The Israeli baby who had to be delivered prematurely because its mother was shot and seriously wounded in a terror attack last week died yesterday.
Today, Abbas’ Fatah Movement “prays for the soul” of the baby’s murderer.Yesterday, two terrorist murderers were killed when Israeli forces tried to arrest them. One terrorist murderer was Saleh Omar Saleh Barghouti, who murdered the baby who died as a result of a shooting attack last week in which he wounded 7 Israelis, including the pregnant mother. The other terrorist murderer was Ashraf Walid Suleiman Na’alwa who in October this year shot and murdered 2 of his Israeli coworkers in the factory where they all worked.
Hamas' military wing, the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, claimed responsibility for both attacks.
Today, Fatah honors these two murderers as “heroes of the homeland” in several posts on Facebook. Fatah wished the murderers “eternity and glory,” praised their “pure blood” and “pure soul,” and described the “scent of musk of the Martyr.” Abbas’ movement stressed the fact that these two murderers were “killed for their Lord and their land”:

Posted text: "The heroic Martyrs (Shahids) of the homeland are sketching the map of the homeland with their pure blood, so that Palestine will live free and Arab.
Eternity and glory to you.
Afterwards he fell to the ground, and his blood began to scatter in every direction. The winds put an end to this, until his blood was gathered under his body like a person born no more than three seconds ago. They [the winds] spread a scent at the place, which they say is similar to the scent of musk - and it is not surprising, for on that ground is a Martyr who was killed for his Lord and his land. His pure soul went out to the Lord of Heaven and earth in order to enjoy the pleasures of the world to come, where there is no occupation, tyranny, or murder. Even the bullet that entered his body did not want to leave him. It settled into his warm veins and must remain with him forever. These are the Martyrs of Palestine. They live today with their Lord.
'And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah, "They are dead." Rather, they are alive, but you perceive [it] not' [Quran, Sura 2:154, Sahih International translation].
Martyrs Ashraf Na'alwa and Saleh Barghouti"
Text on picture of terrorist Saleh Barghouti (left): "Heroic Martyr Saleh Barghouti"
Text on picture of terrorist Ashraf Na'alwa (right): "Heroic Martyr Ashraf Na’alwa"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 13, 2018]
This post is a clear example of the ideal of Shahada - Martyrdom-death for Allah - which Palestinian Media Watch has documented is being actively promoted by the Palestinian Authority and Fatah to the Palestinian population.
Text on image: "The legend
The heroic self-sacrificing fighter (Fida’i) Ashraf Na'alwa"
Posted text: "Ashraf Walid Na'alwa, who carried out #The_Barkan_operation, was shot by the occupation and died as a Martyr during an invasion of the new Askar refugee camp in Nablus."
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 13, 2018]
The above image shows terrorist Ashraf Walid Suleiman, who murdered 2 of his Israeli coworkers, with a Palestinian flag flying behind him.
Posted text: "He loved the land that gave him of its bounty, and he honored it and whispered in its ear: 'I will give you the most precious thing I have - my blood and my soul.'
Martyr #Saleh_Barghouti"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 13, 2018]
The above picture shows terrorist Saleh Barghouti, who murdered a baby and wounded 7 others.
Posted text: "Fatah prays for the souls of Martyrs [Ashraf] Na'alwa and [Saleh] Barghouti, and emphasizes that the occupation is capable of invading our cities, villages, and refugee camps through its power and might, but it will not instill fear in our souls. We will continue to stand firm in the existential battle on our Palestinian land. We will not leave, we are staying here.
- Head of the Fatah Movement Mobilization and Organization Commission’s Information Office Munir Al-Jaghoub"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 13, 2018]
The above image shows Barghouti on the left and Na’alwa on the right. And while Fatah is “praying for the souls” of these murderers, it expects them to unite “In Paradise - the meeting place”:

Posted text: “Eternity and praise to our righteous Martyrs, may Allah have mercy on you and let you dwell in the open spaces of Paradise”
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 13, 2018]
The image shows the two terrorists, two pictures of former PLO and PA Chairman Yasser Arafat, and the Fatah logo. Texts say "Martyr Ashraf Na'alwa," and "Martyr Saleh Barghouti." At the bottom of the image are splashes of blood with the text:
“In Paradise, the meeting place”

Posted text: "All of these bullets [shot] at Martyr [Ashraf] Na'alwa testify to the fear and cowardice of the occupation."
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 13, 2018]
PMW reported yesterday that Fatah honored murderer Na’alwa as someone Allah "protects and takes care of."
Ofra shooting attack - Palestinian terrorists shot and wounded 7 Israelis - a pregnant woman, her husband, another man, and 4 teenagers - in a drive-by shooting attack next to Ofra, north of Jerusalem, on Dec. 9, 2018. The pregnant woman was severely wounded and doctors had to deliver her baby prematurely before operating on her. The baby died three days later. The terrorists fled the scene but were located three days later. One terrorist, Saleh Omar Saleh Barghouti, was shot and killed by the Israeli army during the attempt to apprehend him, while other terrorists were taken into custody.
Barkan Industrial Zone Attack - 23-year-old Palestinian terrorist Ashraf Walid Suleiman Na’alwa shot and murdered his 2 Israeli coworkers Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel and Ziv Hajbi in a factory in the Barkan Industrial Zone near Ariel on Oct. 7, 2018. Na'alwa fled the scene, but was located two months later in Nablus and shot and killed in a shootout when the Israeli army and police tried to apprehend him on Dec. 13, 2018. Until this attack, the Barkan Industrial Zone had been an example of coexistence with Israelis and Palestinians working together.